Chapter 14

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I'm not sure how long we've been searching for Calum but my eyes are starting to droop. We split up, figuring it'd be quicker and easier since there really wasn't much town to be covered. Yet here we were, hours later and still no sign of Calum. Between the five of us - because somewhere along the way I broke down and ended up calling Kylie who somehow managed to calm me then offer her help - we checked parks, clubs, movie theaters, old hang outs, friends' houses, and came up with nothing.

He'd seemingly disappeared and it was the most frustrating and gut clenching feeling not knowing where he was or if he was alright.

The light turns red and I come to a stop, resting my forehead against the steering wheel. About an hour ago - and again, I'm not actually sure if it was an hour but it felt like one - Luke decided to go back to his in case Calum ended up going back there and Michael decided to hang around mine/Calum's in case he went home. It was a mutual agreement that we wouldn't tell anyone outside the small group that he was m.i.a at least not until morning because this was fixable and the least people that knew the least likely this would end up in magazines and all over TV.

This wasn't a missing person investigation. This was Calum needing to get away for a little bit. This was classic Calum closing himself off and making things far more difficult than they needed to be.

Sadly enough, I must have dozed off a little, or was well on my way because I'd completely forgotten where I was and what I was doing at a light when my phone rings. It's Ashton, only delivering more unhelpful news that he'd talked to the owner of the small club they used to play and Calum had apparently been kicked out a while ago for getting upset when being cutoff on the beers.

Which leaves us exactly where we already were but now we know he's drunk. Great. Drunk Calum wandering around town. This is probably the last thing the band needs, someone finding a drunk Calum roaming around. I can just imagine what a field day all the gossip writers will have.

As I start driving again I find myself wondering why I was helping again and laugh pitifully at no more Calum, no more 5sos.


It's kind of a blur how I come up with a place I haven't checked. None of us have visited it since..well, since before they left two years ago. I'm not even really sure how I thought of it but I did and my heart races as I put my car into park. This is honestly my absolute last resort. There was literally nowhere to go after this. I was all out of ideas.

So I nervously gnaw at my bottom lip, not even locking the car I'm so nervous. The adrenaline is coursing through me as I quickly make my way to the huge field of grass, pulling my coat tighter around my freezing body. There's field lights on but I don't see anything, at least not at first as I'm too busy scanning the darker area of the bleachers. Finally though, just as soon as my eyes look over the wet grass my chest un-tightens and my lung have air once again.

"Calum!" I all but shout at the boy laid out right in the middle of the green field. He startles, his whole body flinching at my voice and hand coming up to his chest.

"Jesus," he mumbles.

"Have you lost your mind?!" I immediately go into a state. "You don't go missing on your friends and not answer your phone you idiot!" He makes to say something, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion - which I would find absolutely adorable if he hadn't just scared us all half to death - but I'm quick to continue.

"Honestly Cal, a phone call would have been very much appreciated. We've been circling this whole goddamn town, racking our brains and searching for you. Where the hell have you been?!" I huff.

He gets up, unsteady on his feet and when I reach out to help settle him I notice the fact that he doesn't have a jacket on and is in a sleeveless shirt. I'm just about to go into another fit about that when he lets out a quiet, "You told me to leave."

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