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"Are you nervous?" Kylie all but beams.

"Nah, just excited mostly," I answer absentmindedly, while scrolling through my phone.

Telling the fans about Calum and I was a rocky few months. Half were still in love with the idea of Calum and Emily and the other half were in love with the idea of single Calum but it's gotten to an easier place. A place where I can tweet about missing him or in this case, seeing him again, and a majority of the feedback will usually be about how cute we are or wanting a relationship of the sorts.

Its been weird having to put our relationship on display but if it meant no more bogus interviews with Emily then I was all for it. In the end, it was Calum who made the decision to tell everyone. Claimed he forgot about our previous relationship rumors when posting a picture of us two in his bunk with a caption about how much he missed me.

That was ages ago now, a while after I went back home after spending a few weeks on tour with them. It hasn't been the easiest of transitions but its been good. Or at least nothing like I thought it'd be like. We've had enough time to set up a routine almost. With calls and texts and Skype dates every other day. The first goodbye though, that had to be the hardest.

It's all too familiar, the big airport, the pain in my chest, the sad boy in front of me. I hate it. I hate that we have to say goodbye. I hate that I can't stop thinking about how hard it was the last time I walked out of the airport alone. I hate that I can't stop worrying. But most of all, I hate that I'll have to leave my little kiwi now.

"I love you," Calum offers with an attempt of a smile.

"Yeah, I love you too," I sigh with a pitiful attempt at a smile.

"I'll meet you back home before you know it," he moves closer, grabbing at my fingers.

"I don't know Calum, what if this doesn't work? What if we're in over our heads here?"

"Oh we're definitely in over our heads, and it wont be easy. But we can do this. I know we can."

"Yeah? And how do you know that?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"Because we're Calum and Kota," he hums smugly with a smirk before leaning down to catch my lips with his.

I cried on and off the whole way home and had a few breakdowns a couple weeks into it but who could blame me? I had just spent weeks with the boy I had fallen in love with 2 years prior and was just supposed to go back to life without him as usual?

The first night was lonely and I was up more than I was asleep. The first morning I spent staring at the empty side of the bed missing the pair of brown eyes that were usually there to greet me. I was pretty much a zombie that whole day, useless and grumbling and empty until a simple 'I love you' came through in a text.

That's always something I can always count on. No matter how busy or stressful the day, I will always get a simple and random I love you.

The first homecoming was a joyous one. I couldn't meet him at the airport because he was worried about the crowds and how quick they usually need to just get out and into the car. So I drove down and met him at his house. It was weeks before we ever separated for more than 5 minutes.

It didn't take long for Calum to start basically living at mine and Kylie's and eventually Kylie moved out - a new place with Michael. Calum was home long enough to move the rest of his stuff in and start trying to convince me we needed a dog. So you're not lonely when I'm away but I had a feeling it was more for his own pleasure than my loneliness.

I reasoned with him that he'd be far too busy on tour and I still had my final classes and a job so it wouldn't be fair for the pup. He left for tour pouting and attempting to bribe me. That goodbye was easier than the previous ones.

Eventually, he persuaded me with big wide puppy dog eyes when he came home for a short break and we ended up with a monstrous puppy who loved to destroy our house and more specifically, my shoes. As if handling a disastrous puppy wasn't enough, Calum had also managed to talk me into having a baby.

Which leaves us here. Nearly five years since the first time I was out on my porch and watched that moving truck pull up to the house next door. Five years since I told that stupid neighbor of mine to keep his music down. Five years since I fell in love with that same brown eyed, dark haired, dog loving neighbor. Five years since the last time I was stood in this very same airport, crying my eyes out and begging for a goodbye.

It's surreal to think about at times like this when I can picture the not-crowded-enough airport and the absolute gut clenching feeling. Then to think about how amazing it all turned out. To look around and see the overly crowded airport with girls held back by securities and that gut feeling now excited butterflies at the thought of having Calum safely home.

The excitement courses through me and I can't help but squeeze Kylie's hand and let out a tiny squeal at the sight of the four familiar faces.

Calum spots me and immediately breaks into a beaming smile, I would probably run over to him if it wasn't for the human growing inside my belly. His eyes ghost over me and as soon as he's close enough he's reaching out to touch my tummy for the first time.

"Hope you weren't giving mummy too much trouble while I was away," he coos with a grin and rub for good measure.

"Of course he was, he is your son after all - I haven't slept in days," I tease.

"Well I guess all those years were good practice then," Calum smirks proudly.

"Guess they were," I roll my eyes lightheartedly. "Ready to go home then?" I breathe with a stupid smile on my face.

"Please," he nods, leaning down to catch my lips before leading us out.


"I told you," Calum hums once he's stuffed with food and we're both laid in bed.

"Told me what?" I lazily stroke my fingers through his hair.

"That we were going to happen. That this - us, our home, our dog, our baby... it was all meant to be."

"Yeah, I guess you were right kiwi," I hum with a small smile ghosting my lips.

Who would have thought two problematic teenagers who fought more than was necessary and had to say goodbye more than once, would end up with a home and family of their own. Who would have thought when that moving truck pulled up that I would be starting a new life five years later with that very same stupid neighbor of mine that I hated so much.

"I love you," Calum mutters, cuddling closer and wrapping a protective arm around my baby bump.

"You're all I'll ever need, Dakota Faith."

Crying. This was actually such a terrible ending but I wanted to have it done already. Sorry I made you all wait so long!

Can we talk how much that picture of Calum is literally Neighbor Calum? Like please. Why is he like this.

Anyway, thank you to anyone and everyone that has stood by Dalum's story whether it was from the very beginning of Neighbor Calum or halfway through this one! And thank you for all the comments and votes and messages! You guys have been absolutely amazing and I'm honestly sad to say goodbye, I'll miss Dalum very much. <3

Also, Merry Christmas!

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