thirty one.

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Arabella Easton

My body was thrown around by drunk people as I tried to travel to the other side of the room. The 360 members were crazy party goers and whenever it came to a Prettymuch party, they completely lose themselves every time. I frantically searched for signs of any of the boys around the room, immediately spotting Edwin refilling his cup.

"Edwin!" I exclaimed in relief. Edwin's attention shifted over to me as I stumbled over a plastic cup.

"Hey Ara!" Edwin smiled. I gave Edwin a quick hug and grabbed a canned Sprite.

"Do you know where Brandon might be?" I questioned, taking a sip from the sizzling drink.

"Oh B left the house to go somewhere, I don't know probably the studio," Edwin replied. I frowned to the sound of Edwin's words. "Hey don't be sad."

"Brandon hasn't texted or called me back yet," I informed, "he hasn't even talked to me."

"Well I know for a fact that Brandon knew you were coming tonight," Edwin said, "I would know because I told him."


"Hey you still have me babygirl let loose."

"Ed I don't really feel like it."

"Don't sweat it Ara c'mon." I smiled as Edwin grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. I threw my hands in the air as Edwin danced to the beat of the music. The moment felt similar to my first Prettymuch party, back when I first met B and Charlotte.

The only difference was Brandon wasn't there to stare.

.  .  .

The boys decided to leave Edwin and I on cleaning duty, since Nick was exhausted from drinking and the others never planned on doing it even if they were assigned. Edwin tossed another glass bottle in a plastic bag while I swept the floor. Red cups were spotted in almost every corner of the room and random liquid spills were scattered as well. I grabbed two parts of my short ponytail and pulled them apart, bringing my hairstyle to a secure position.

"Hey Ed," I called, "when do you think Brandon will be back?"

"He'll probably come back early morning, stay for an hour, and leave again," Edwin sighed. "But don't worry about it, he's just prepping for tour and the new ep." I dropped my broom on the floor in shock as Edwin's eyes widened.

"Tour!? Ep?!" I exclaimed in excitement. Edwin quickly covered his mouth and shrugged.

"Ep? What tour? I said nun about a tour. Remember when you toured? Yeah you ate my blueberry muffin and I got really mad at you. Just so you know I fully forgive you about it and now we can live in perfect harmony. Not that I would ever stay mad at you for that long. Damn I'm hungry! Aren't you just starving? I can order-"

"Edwin shut up! Now you have to tell me about it," I smiled, making myself comfortable on a chair right in front of Edwin.

"Listen Ara you can't tell a soul, I wasn't even supposed to blab it out like that," Edwin said. I nodded my head vigorously as the boy prepared himself to tell me the secret.

"We have a tour coming up in about.....7 months," Edwin informed, "and right before that we are planning to release our ep."

"Shut up!"

"No really most of the ep songs are written out but Brandon and his over achieving ass likes to work himself over the limits."

"B really can't handle his music ocd."

"Yeah but B is a hard worker. He likes it." I let myself ponder over Edwin's words as I went back to pick up my fallen broom. I knew that Brandon was in love with music, but maybe he was so in love with it that he would choose it over anything else.

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