Part 6: hospital

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OMG THANK YOU ALL FOR more than 100 reads! Don't wanna keep you waiting so here is part 6! Bye! 😊🙊😘

Me and Dean decided that that we would watch a movie before Going to Ihop for breakfast. We watched The Fault In Our Stars. I cried throughout the whole movie and Dean's shirt was wet form my tears, but he did not seem to mind. After the movie there was a knock on the door. It was Punk.

" oh I see you two are busy I will just come later" he said and turned the other way. I grabbed his wrist and turned him around to face me. I let go of his wrist. " what do you want Punk?" I asked him. " well I just wanted to tell you something... Private." I turned to Dean who was next to me and he left to our bedroom. " now what?" I asked Punk.

" I just wanted to say I really like you AJ when I figured out you and Dean Ambrose were dating, I was not happy at all. So..." I cut him off. " look Punk we used to have a thing but now it is gone." I said looking into his watery red eyes.

" oh ok AJ but here is a promise, Dean Ambrose will pay for stealing you from me!" He said and pushed me. Hard. I tripped over a pillow and fell on the floor. I screamed. Dean came running out and saw me on the floor. He got furious and started to beat Punk up. Punk left but said he would come back. Apparently while Dean was fighting Punk, I fell unconscious. All I remember is that I had a cut on my forehead.

I awoke in a hospital bed. Dean was asleep next to me in a chair. I could hear chatty nurses and doctors outside.

Dean woke up and saw me. He smiled and stood up and stretched his arms. "how long have I been here?" I asked him. "For about 4 hours." He muttered back obviously tired since he did not get any sleep last night too busy worrying about me when I was in Brie's house. There was a giant bear and roses next to me In a little table.

" who are those from?" I asked Dean pointing to the roses and bear. " me" he said back. " aww deany you didn't have to!" I said kissing him on the cheek " look you are super tired so get some rest at home and come back in 1 hour. " I can't leave you alone buttercup!" He said. " I will call Natalya to keep me some company. I said. " and Roman too." He muttered under his breath. " fine" I groaned and he got up and called Roman to come.

" he said yes" Dean told me. " ok Natalya said she is on her way." I said. He nodded and headed out. " Dean! Wait!" I said and turned around. I got up carefully and gave his a long passionate kiss on his lips. He kissed back. Eventually he let go. " bye marshmallow!" He said and I nodded.

I guess he decided to call me marshmallow and not buttercup anymore. I am fine with that. About 10 minutes later Roman walked in Natalya behind him. "hey guys!' I said. "Aww AJ what happened?" Natalya asked worriedly. "punk." I said groaning. " what did that bastard to my best friend?' Asked Roman angry. " he pushed me and I landed on the floor, Dean beat him up." I said.

" that bastard! I am go beat him up!" Roman said. I laughed. A doctor walked In and checked my pulse and everything else. " alright missy you can go home now." He said. I nodded and went to the restroom to change into my regular clothes and me, Roman, and Natalya went to go pick up Dean and get some lunch.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now