Part 61: Fake Fighting

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(The next parts will be about Dean and AJ dealing with some, 'problems'... ANYWAYS keep reading!)


*at Monday Night Raw*

Me and Dean were at Monday Night Raw, I had just finished my match, and Dean was wrestling Luke Harper. I was watching on the monitor in my dressing room. I heard a knock come from the door, which distracted me from watching the match.

I got up and opened, revealing Stephanie, Steph who was my boss. "hello AJ, I need to talk to you about something" Steph said smiling. "Hey Steph, come in!" I said and Steph came in and sat on my little white couch. I sat in the opposite one. "Anyways, what do you need to talk to me about?" I asked her.

"Well it's about the ratings, they are dropping and I need something to make them go up, something that the wwe Universe would love!" Steph said doing the effect with her hands.

"Go on" I said. "Well, I talked to my dad, he said that we need drama, fights, love" Steph said flashing her mischievous smile. Uh oh...

"What do you have in mind?" I asked her as I saw Dean lost his match and Raw had gone to commercials. "Let's wait for Dean to come..." Steph said and we waited for Dean awkwardly.

"Hey babe, on Thursday-" Dean got cut off as we walked in. "Steph! I didn't expect you here..." Dean said awkwardly. "Why Dean, take a seat, me and and were discussing some things we could do for ratings!" Steph said and Dean sat next to me, intertwining our hands together

"Well I see you both love each other very much" Steph said. Me and Dean looked at each other and nodded.

"Well for Drama, I need you two to act to hate each other" Steph said simply. "What!?!" Dean and I both said in shock.

"I'm sorry, but it's best for business" Steph said giving us a sympathetic look.

"But why us?" I asked. "Well most couples here are new and fresh, the wwe universe loves them! But you two, it's kinda old..." Steph said.

I don't care if she's my boss, want to punch that sympathetic look off her face right now!

"I don't know..." Dean said looking at me with a worried look in his face. "Look you two can both be all lovey dovey out of work and stuff, but not here" Steph said pointing at the ground.

"Steph..." I said with hurt in my voice. "I'm sorry, I really am! How about we start off with a tag team match and Dean flirting with Nikki!" Steph said.

I gulped and Dean opened his mouth in shock, but closed it. "When is the tag team match?" I croaked out.

"Well Dean, you still have strength?" Steph asked Dean and Dean nodded in confusion.

"Great!" Steph said happily. "We can have the match today as the second main event!" Steph said.

"Cancel your match with Emma! We can put Naomi!" Steph said clapping.

"Wait... What!?!" I said standing up. "Yep, today you two have a match against Nikki and Christian!" Steph said and I tensed at Chris's name.

"Since you two used to go out, why not!" Steph said referring to me and Chris dating before. Dean squeezed my hand.

"So what's the plan?" I croaked. "Ok so AJ you can throw Nikki out of the ring and you will catch her and smile flirtatiously. AJ will get mad and Push you and walk out mad" Steph said.

Me and Dean look at each other in horror. "How does that sound?" Steph said excitedly.

We both nodded slightly. "Ok" Dean croaked out. "Great! I'm gonna go talk to Nikki and Christian!" Steph said and left.

"I don't want to do that..." I said hugging Dean. "Me neither, but we don't what to get fired, we love to wrestle!" Dean said sadly.

I sighed and said "if it's best for business...", each word bitter in my mouth.

Dean look at me and curbed his lips in small smile, as we pressed for heads together. "I love you, Dean Ambrose" I said.

"I love you too, AJ Lee" Dean croaked. I separated from him. "Let's do something fun!" I said with little hope in my voice.

"Uno?" Dean said holding a deck of uno cards. I giggled and we sat on the couches and started playing.

*35 minutes later*

"AJ! Dean! Time for your match!" A guy called from outside. Me and Dean kissed quickly and made our way out.

Dean's music started playing and both Dean and I came out. We holded hands in the air than I skipped to the ring, as Dean did his weird lunatic walking thingy.

We got there and we stood in the edge of the ring. As soon as our intro finished, I heard Nikki's intro song.

She came out, than came Chris. He saw me and smiled. Nikki walked down to the ring with Chris.

First off was Dean and Chris fighting. After a little bit, Dean did Dirty Deeds to Chris.

When Dean approached Chris, Chris kicked Dean, causing him to stumble backwards.

Than quickly Chris tagged Nikki in and Dean tagged me in. I got in and started punching Nikki.

She took control for a bit, but than I did again by punching her. I kicked her causing her to lean against the ropes on the side Dean was.

I saw Dean was arguing to Chris about trying to cheat or something. I quickly went to the opposite ropes and ran and kicked Nikki.

She went over the ropes, falling into Dean's arms, just as... Planned. Dean looked at Nikki and smiled flirtatiously.

Nikki winked at Dean and caressed his cheek, before going into the mat again.

I 'argued' with Dean about the Nikki thing. I got 'distracted' and Nikki came behind me and pinned me with my feet in the air.

The ref counted to three and the bell rang. I got out of the mat, grabbing my baby and looking at Dean angrily.

Nikki's music played and blew Dean a kiss, as he smiled. I glared at Nikki and pushed Dean slightly and walked off to backstage, Dean following.

I waited for Dean, he came and we walked to my dressing room. "Ugh I wanted to throw up when I caught Nikki" Dean said grabbing a water form my mini fridge and I giggled.

"Yeah that will bring ratings up" I said as Dean tossed me a water and we both sat on the couch.

We were watching the main event, Seth Rollins vs John Cena. "C'mon John!" Dean shouted at the monitor, reminding me of when I first told him I liked him.

I was brought our of my thoughts when Steph knocked. I knew it was Steph because I heard her voice calling Dean I's names.

I went to open, revealing a happy Steph. "You two did amazing out there!" Steph said happily.

"So how are the ratings now?" I asked hoping they didn't rise. "Over the roof! After that we got almost 20,000 5 star ratings!" Steph said almost causing me to spit out my water.

"Great right?" Steph said. "So great..." I said with fake enthusiasm. "We'll see you two at the gym tomorrow!" Steph said and left.

"I can't believe people want us broken up..." I said sadly. "Hey listen, it's the drama! Don't worry Steph can't make it go that far!" Dean said.

"Yeah, how?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "She can't make us break up, we're engaged" Dean said.

"That's right!" I said admiring my ring Dean bought me. "You like the ring?" Dean asked smirking.

"No" I said causing Dean to frown. "I LOVE IT!" I said and Dean's frown turned upside down as he chuckled.

Yeah, 4 parts. It might be five! Anyways, hope you guys are enjoying the parts so far!

LYASFM! 😍😘😍😘😍😘😍😘❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙

Instagram: Naeda_G03

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now