Part 17: he figured out

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Hey guys! Just wanted or say I changed the cover of the story! I hope you like it as much as I do! So
Instagram: Naedag03
Snapchat: naedag10

I stared at them and Renee saw me and glared at me. I hated her so much!
More I saw that Dean is actually with Renee saddens me more. I ran back to Emma's apartment.

I remembered I texted Natalya that I was going to meet her in the cafe in front of her house. So I went home and put on my skinny jeans and a Hollister shirt and my black converse.

I saw Natalya there with Roman. I totally forgot roman asked Natalya out a while ago. I walked in and Natalya and Roman saw me. They waved at me as I headed for them.

" why are you red?" Roman asked me. " went for a quick run." I said. "Ah. Well we wanted to ask you something important." Natalya said smiling at Roman as he pecked her cheek.

" what is it?" I asked curiously.

" we want you to be my maid of honor at our wedding!" Natalya said. I smiled and. " really!" I asked them happy.

" yes!" The said and nodded. " I would love to!" I said.

" Great! Wedding is in 7 months!" Natalya said as I got up and headed for raw.
" ok!" I said back.

I drove myself to Raw and parked. I got out and saw Renee and Dean leaned against Dean's car. He lied. He actually was cheating on me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran to my locks room. I forgot to lock the door.

I went to the cabinet and grabbed my blade as more tears fell down my cheeks.

All these tears are because of Dean.

I passed the blade through my un cut wrist. I stared at the blood.

"AJ..." I heard someone that sounded like they were crying.

I turned to see Dean with tears down his cheeks. " how long were you there?" I asked putting the blade on the counter.

" long enough to know that the tears coming out of your eyes are because of me" Dean said as many more tears fell down his cheeks.

I guess I said that out loud.

"Dean..." I said. "AJ, don't hurt yourself! You don't deserve to hurt your beautiful self because of me!" Dean said as he reached to grab the blade.

"Dean I am miserable! I can't think straight! I can't sleep right! I need an escape of this terrible world." I said as Dean looked hurt and sad.

"AJ, I am not dating Renee, we are working on a WWE project together, that is all." Dean said. "What about all those times she has tried to flirt with you?" I asked. "She has tried to flirt, but I say I am in love with only one and no more." Dean said. I could see in his icy blue eyes that was not lying.

Dean's POV

I was headed for AJ's locker room to tell her about our tag team match today against Paige and Seth Rollins.

I saw the door was open so I went in. I heard noises coming from the restroom so I went to go see if AJ was there.

" All these tears at because of Dean" I heard AJ say.
My eyes got watery when I saw she was cutting her wrist. Before I knew it, tears were falling from my blue eyes.

We argued and I told her that me and Renee were not going out. Every time AJ said something, I could see the hurt in her eyes. I hated myself.

After all that she just came to me and hugged me and held me tight. I held her tight too and I rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh Dean! Please forgive me!" AJ pleaded. " no it should be me that is asking for your forgiveness." I said as I stared into her eyes.

" do you forgive me?" I asked her.

" yes... I forgive you dean!" AJ said as she pecked my cheek.

" I have asked you this once I will ask it again... Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked as Denis walked in carrying a rose.

Back to AJ

I saw Denis walk in carrying a single red rose. He also had a small sign on him saying: " will you be my girlfriend?". I loved it!

"Yes!" I said and wrapped my arms around the back of Dean's neck. I kissed him and he kissed back immediately. He put his hand over our faces knowing Denis was still there.

When we parted I laughed when Denis handed me the rose. I picked up Denis and kissed his soft chubby cheek. I pointed to my cheek and he kissed it.

I love Denis so much!

I heard call from outside that my match was up next with my boyfriend, Dean Ambrose that I love so much.


So gonna leave it off here guys! I did not want to be cruel so AJ forgave Dean!
They are my OTP!

Love yall so much!

snapchat: naedag10
Instagram: Naedag03

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XOXO 😊🙊😘

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Where stories live. Discover now