Part 42: Sweet 16

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Hey guys! So here is part 42!

The last 3 parts of this book will be kinda short! Sorry!


I was helping Dean move all his stuff to Nikki's house. Apparently, John broke up with Nikki when he figured out that Dean was the dad of Nikki's kid.

"Well this is the last box, Dean!" I said walking in and setting the box on the floor. Just as I was about the leave I heard voices come from the kitchen. I decided to stay by the door and listen.

"Nikki Bella, will you do the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" Dean asked Nikki. My heart shattered that instant moment. I couldn't do anything. We broke up, but I still love him.

"Yes! Dean, I would love to be your girlfriend!" Nikki said. I felt like crying that moment. Why did I break up with him?

"DEAN! No stop, I still love you!" I said running into the kitchen. "Too late AJ, you broke up with me!" Dean said and picked up Nikki, twirled her, and kissed her passionately. I ran out of the house and got in my car.

I drove home and went inside. I went to my room and sat on my bed, and cried my eyes out. I got a picture of Dean and I and threw it to the floor. "WHY! WHY DEAN! WHY?" I screamed with tears falling down my cheeks faster and faster.

I grabbed my blade and held it tight in my hand, causing me to cut my hand a little. "THIS IS BECAUSE IF YOU, DEAN!" I screamed and slid the blade through my wrist.

I watched as the blood oozed out slowly. My pain was being released out slowly.


I sat up gasped. I breathed heavily. "AJ, are you ok?" Dean said waking up from beside. "Dean" I said and cried into Dean's chest. "It's okay, baby girl, it was just a dream" Dean said.

"Dean, my dream..." I said as Dean wiped my tears away. "What was it about?" Dean asked. "I dreamt you asked Nikki out, she said yes, I wanted to get back together, but you said it was too late, so I went home, cried, and cut myself" I said.

"AJ, I would never ask Nikki out!" Dean said. "Why? You two are going to spend a lot if time together, eventually you'll fall in love with her" I said. "Not as long as I am in love with you!" Dean said kissing my forehead.

"It kills me, we can't be together" I said. "I know me too, but it's the right thing to do, since I don't what anyone saying I am living with Nikki, but dating you" Dean said and I giggled.

*in da kitchen*

I stared into his bright blue eyes. Every time I kiss him, it feels like his eyes get even brighter then they already are. I will miss those gems. The gems that I would get lost in. The gems I wanted to be mine.

"AJ?" Dean said snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Oh yeah, I just got lost in your eyes" I giggled. "Ha, me too, Princess! Can I still call you princess?" Dean asked. "I would I be Honored, my prince" I said bowing.

"Well tonight, there is going to be a ball at my mom's mansion, it is my sister's sweet 16" Dean said. "Daisy?" I asked. "Yes and I also need a date..." Dean said.

"Dean Ambrose, are you asking me to go to your little sister's birthday party with you?" I giggled. "Maybe..." Dean said. "Than, yes I would love to go with you" I said smiling.

*5 hours later*

"Well the party starts in 2 hours, so you might want to get ready" Dean said. "See you in an hour and 45 minutes!" I shouted making my way upstairs.

I striped my clothes off and got in the shower. Once the warm water hit my body, I started washing my hair. I did the rest and got out.

I dried my hair and made it wavy it. I got a text from daisy. I met her about 1 year ago.

From: Daisy💘

D: hey, my ball theme is princess, so dress up as a princess, Dean has the tiara
A: ok, I will ask Dean for the tiara
D: ok, great see you in 1 hour and 15 minutes!
A: yeah, bye!
D: bye!

I dug through my closet and found only party dresses. But I do know someone who has like 5 ball gowns, EMMA!

*dialing Emma*

E: hello?
A: Emma! Help, fashion emergency!
E: what is it, girl?!?
A: ball gown, NOW!
E: on my way! See you in 5!
A: k, bye!
E: bye!

*5 minutes later*

"Ok so here is the dress, it was really expensive, so take care of it!" Emma said handing me the dress. It was super pretty. It was a blue, Princess ball gown. It has a sweetheart neckline, blue, dark blue, and black diamonds all over it.

I put on my black heels. For makeup, I put on foundation, concealer, mascara, eyeliner, black eyeshadow, light red lipstick, and light red blush.

*Dean POV*

I was super excited to go to my little sister, Daisy's sweet 16 birthday party with AJ. I hope I look nice for her. I can already imagine her looking like my Cinderella.

For my hair, I just left it kinda messy.

I put on my black tux, with my tie that was blue and had white polka dots on it. I put on my black shoes and was ready.

I still had about an hour till AJ is ready, so I called a limo and bought blue roses. Boy, were they expensive and hard to find, but the best for my beautiful princess!

I heard footsteps and turned to see who it was. Wow, could AJ get any more prettier?

"Hey Dean!" AJ said walking down the stairs. "H- hi" I stuttered of her beauty.


"Ready?" I asked Dean. "Uh yeah, limo is here" Dean said hugging me. "Well than lets go!" I said.

I held onto Dean's arm as we walked outside and went in the limo. "Thank you" I said kissing Dean's cheek. "You welcome" Dean said.

*at the ball*

"DAISY! Omg hi!" I said hugging daisy. "Hey AJ" Daisy said hugging me back. "How are you enjoying your party?" I asked. "Good" she said. "Well you should slow dance, with Dean" she said nudging my rub slightly.

"Well maybe I should" I said and walked over to Dean talking to Daniel. "Woah, you look beautiful AJ!" Daniel said hugging me. "You look great too, Daniel!" I said. "Well I should leave you two alone" Daniel said and left.

Suddenly A Thousand Years by Christina Perri starts playing.

"I dedicate this song to you, my love, shall I gave thus dance?" Dean asked. "Yes you may" I said and Dean put his hands on my waist and mine on his shoulders and we just moved around for a bit.

"This is perfect" I whispered. "It is, because you're here" Dean said which caused me to blush. "I love you" Dean whispered. "Me too" I said and looked into his bright blue eyes.

I leaned in and our lips locked. I felt like I was alone, just me and Dean. He pulled me closer and dipped me. I parted as I heard aww's coming from the other guests.


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update earlier! I was busy! So part 43 tomorrow! Let me know if you guys want to let you all know when the first part of Perfect Match comes out? Comment!

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