Part 47: Sad day

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Hey guys! Keep on commenting who you what to date and your first name! If you want to date them! ✌️

Pretend the baby on the top, is Dean's baby! 💋

To clear up things, IDK if roman is really taking Dean's spot in TLC 2014, it's a rumor, I read it on a website, they have not confirmed it!

This part is sad! If you are being bullied or seen someone else bullied, don't hesitate to report it to an adult. The sooner it is reported, the sooner it stops! 😍💗👍

This part is dedicated to: jasmyn_lira

Thank you for messaging me! 😊💜

Songs that go well with this part:

Say Something- A Great Big World
Let Her Go- Passenger
A Thousand Years- Christina Perri


I threw the card across the room and slid down the door. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed. I kept getting knocks, but ignored them.

I locked the door and went to my drawer and took out a picture of my brother, Matthew (not real, MADE UP). I passed my finger over the picture. A tear fell on the picture, as many more fell downy my face.

"Why Matthew?" I cracked. "Why did you leave me?" I said. "You promised me!" I shouted.

"AJ!" I heard someone shout from outside the door. "Leave me alone!" I shouted and fell to the floor crying even harder. "AJ, please let me in!" That same person called.


"Dean, don't worry about me!" I shouted. I jumped when dena kicked the door open.

"AJ!" Dean siad running over to me. "What do you want, Dean?" I cracked. "What's wrong?" Dean asked. "Matthew..." I mumbled with sons after that.

"Your brother?" Dean asked and I nodded. "What's wrong with him?" Dean asked. I stayed si,went and pointed to the card on the floor.

*Dean POV*

AJ pointed to the card with a picture of her and Punk kissing. "What the?" I said angrily but puzzled at the same time.

I picked up the card and opened it. Inside was a note. It read:

Dear AJ,
I love you so much! I hope one day you will forgive me for this. I know I am only 16 years old, but I can't take it. My friend showed me a picture of you and Cm Punk kissing. I have always disgusted him. I hated him. It went around my school and the students made fun of me. They said that a tattoo freak is dating my sister. They would call me Tattoo freak, Punk, and other mean things. I went home crying everyday. I told dad, but he just told me to ignore them. I tried but, they pushed me, kicked me, dumped food on me, and dropped my books from my hands. Whenever I would try to tell someone, everyone shouted "TATTLE TALE!" And would laugh at me. I hate everything. I hate life. I live in a big black hole, where no one can help me. So I decided to go to another world. Don't join me too soon! I love you! Don't worry, I am resting now, forever. Tell Dean, he is an amazing guy and I hope he takes good care of you! XOXO

Love, Matthew Mendez

I started to cry by half of it. I can't believe he did this to himself. "I did this to my brother" AJ said. She put her head between her knees and sobbed. "No, my little brother was being bullied and committed suicide! WHYYYYYY!" AJ shouted.

A couple of seconds later, Stephanie walked in. "Dean! What happens to AJ?" She said. I wiped away a year and handed her the note. Stephanie scanned through the note. Her eyes got watery by the time she finished.

Promise? (AJ lee and Dean Ambrose) *Finished*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora