Chapter 20: Go Get Your Own!

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Sorry but this had been saved as a draft when I thought it had been published.

So here is the missing chapter!


After the meeting was dismissed, and the Purification was over, Cordelia went to her chambers and took a nice bath. The steam from the water soothed away the pent up stress the purification and healing couldn't buff away. The bath smelled like fresh lavender and sage, with plenty of bubbles.

Corelia sang the Song of Shifting, to satisfy her need to use her fins in the water. She slipped up to her chin in the suds, gently kicking her purple fishtail.

The only sounds were the steady stream of water from the fountain in the far wall, that kept hot water circulating through the stone, set in floor tub.

Cordelia sighed, it was divine. Then there was a knock at the bathroom door. Since she was fully covered by the suds, she called "Enter."

The door slowly creaked out open. Volsair stepped in, he was without a coat, his shirt sleeves were rolled up,  and was barefoot. He had a hand over his eyes, as he closed the door behind him.

"Cordelia, I'm sorry for bursting in like this, but I feel the need to let you know that-" Volsair stopped short, as his toes skimmed the first stone step into the water. "Ah-" he breathed, taking an awkward half-step backward, his hand still covering his eyes. "That you need to know that, plans are being made for a team to sneak into the Palace and-"

Cordelia turned around, causing the water to slosh.

"Try to put Alkanos on the throne of Eldoria." he said, quickly.

Cordelia stood up, well, as best you can in a floor tub with a mermaid tail. "Volsair. Have you ever seen me in my full Siren form?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.

 "N-N-No." he stammered, "I respect you. If you don't want to show me, I'm perfectly fine with my hand over my eyes." his face grew red, and not just from the steam off the hot water.

"Volsair, I'm wanting to show you my Siren form, " Cordelia said, "Now please, take your hand away from your eyes."

Volsair smiled like he had been given the lucky lottery numbers for the Gold N' Silver Jackpot. But, when he removed his hand, his eyes were still closed.

Cordelia rose out of the water so it was only waist deep on her. She pushed her hair back, the  suds slid off, back into the tub. Above her waist, formed in the front like a low cut bodice of a dress, was smaller purple scales that shimmered in the light. In the back, it dipped low to the small of her back. "Volsair if you, don't open your eyes, I'll sing." Cordelia said. 

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. If you want to see my Siren form, I'll show you." Cordelia said.

"Okay then," Volsair said, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "I would still like you to sing, since you offered."

" Come here and listen to me. You're tired and sore, so you need to rest with me.  " Cordelia sang softly. Not enough to drive him mad wanting her, but enough for him to open his eyes.

"Wow," was all he could manage, "Just wow." He was rooted to the tile he was on. Volsair's eyes were open and his mouth was on the verge of going slack.

"Like I said, you wouldn't see anything," Cordelia said, playing with a stray lock of hair. "Now, if I was in human form, I'd be screaming at you."

Volsair didn't say anything, instead, he walked to the longer side of the bath.

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