Chapter 25: Getting Some Help

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( One and a Half Months Later) 

"How long has it been since you last saw your beloved?" The Hedgewitch asked. 

Volsair looked up from his mug of hot tea. He wet his lips, "Two months." he said in an almost monotone voice. He was still dealing with having gone this long without communication of any sort from Cordelia. 

Volsair took another lengthy sip of tea. He had come to The Hedgewitch for help. She was the local healer that his father would see for herbal blends, whenever sickness or disaster befell The Fortress, she also was the local midwife. 

The Hedge Witch had seen this before, someone's beloved leaves for whatever reason, and the person they leave behind feels like the end of the world. 

"I can make you an item that will allow you to see your beloved again." The Hedgewitch said. 

"You can?" Volsair asked, lifting his head up, his eyes meeting hers. "And it not be a mirror?" 

"I can if you want me to. And it won't be an enchanted mirror." 

"I do!" he excitedly said.

"Then it's settled. It will take me three days to make the item. I will contact you once I've made it. As for right now, you should go back to the palace and check in with the king." She said.

"How will the message be sent?" Volsair asked.

"You'll know it when you see it. But until then your duty to the kingdom comes first and foremost." 

"Of course. Volsair said, running a hand through his hair. 

Volsair and the Hedgewitch talked some more after that. They mainly talked about how his family was doing. Volsair also brought dried herbs to replenish his herb bag. Herbs to heal, herbs to numb, herbs to forget, and herbs to protect. 

When all was done, Volsair and the witch walked out of the house to where Stormbringer was tethered.

"I will contact you soon, but I feel that you should first see the king. And be careful, the palace walls may have ears." She whispered in his ear. 

Volsair nodded and untied Stormbringer. Stormbringer didn't have a habit of running away if left untethered. He did fight back if someone he didn't like tried to move him. Unfortunately, people are more likely to notice an untethered horse, than a tethered one. 

Volsair mounted Stormbringer and said, "Back to the Capitol City." 

 Stormbringer wickered and stamped his hooves. 

Volsair saluted the Hedgewitch, wheeled Stormbringer around and they were off. 


It was a beautiful late winter day. Even though some flowers were budding and some trees were just getting some leaves back, it was still quite cold. Volsair had to wear an extra shirt and a jacket to block the wind from riding Stormbringer. Some nights, there was the chance of the roads and bridges freezing. Because of this, Volsair wanted to get back to the palace before nightfall. 

Volsair couldn't help but yawn, he hadn't slept well the past few nights, everything just seemed to be compounding in his head when he tried to sleep. Cordelia being gone, increasing pressure from Alkanos to find the Court Magician, and getting everything ready for the coronation. Since he was acting on Alkanos's orders, this trip wasn't a waste of time. 

All of a sudden, Stormbringer slid to the left from under him. 

Stormbringer screamed in panic as they both slid into the drainage ditch. The drainage ditch was only a few feet deep, but it was enough to scare Stormbringer and to break Volsair's concentration. 

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