Detention, Tutors, & Elves, Oh My

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I. Hate. My. Life.

I. Really. Hate. My. Crappy. Excuse. For. A. Life.

Why. Is. This. Shit. My. Life.

You make your way to lunch, but don't eat anything. You decided to sit with Harry and his friends; you just really couldn't stand the twins right now.

Sometimes, when the twins felt like too much, you would hang out with Ginny or Harry. They were almost like your backup friends; but way better.

"What's going on with you?" Asks Harry, noticing your inability to eat.

"Nothing... just Peeves spreading rumors about me. Course, the rumors may or may not be true..." Your voice trailed off.

"You know, you can talk to me if the twins are too much. I know I can't really relate with you all the time; but I'm always here to talk."

Harry flashes you a smile, and you return it. You had always loved Harry like a brother.

"Hey Harry, I'm sorry I didn't do something about you and Ron being soaked."

"It's fine."

"But you really should've." Says Ron. "Blimey, I've never realized how cold it is in here."

You and Harry laugh.

"Oh well, guess I owe you."

The days pass, and eventually it's Friday night. You look at your hands while you walk down the corridors towards Snape's office.

"Oh wow." You exclaim. "I guess I should've ran up to the hospital wing for some plasters."

You inspect your hands, which are covered in cuts.

"You are such a klutz." You turn around to the source of the voice, and find none other than Fred Weasley.

"Hi Fred. Yeah, I guess I have a lot on my mind lately." You say blankly, without your usual enthusiasm.

"Me too. Have the bruises healed?"

"Not really. I've still got the ones from the Quidditch World Cup. Would you believe that?" You say, pulling up your sleeve to let him see. "Something tells me I'll have these for a while..."

"That sucks. Are you ok?"

"Me? Yeah, I'm fine..."

"Y/N." He said seriously, surprising you. "I know you've got your pride and whatever, but you don't have to act all brave around me. Honestly, I think of people much braver when they show their true emotions."

You sigh, stop walking and turn to Fred. "Fred, that's the problem. I don't know what my true emotions are. Everything is just so confusing, and then the kiss—"

"We can forget about the kiss if you want, Y/N. I don't want things to be weird between us."

"Me too. Thank you, Fred." You wrap your arms around him, once again surrounded in the familiar warmth of your best friend.

"Fred?" You ask.


"I'm sorry about the kiss, that was my fault. Peeves is just so damn annoying, and I didn't want to get in trouble on the first night. Course, still managed to get into trouble."

Fred laughed.

"I wouldn't be able to recognize you if you weren't always starting up trouble."

"Same to you."

You both smiled, and continued on your walk to Snape's office. Now that you had Fred back on your side, detention couldn't be that bad, right?

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