Chapter Twenty One

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The Green Eyed Bitch

Breakfast left Exie feeling so blue which just felt stupid. There'd been crepes, how could anyone feel sad after that. Usually bad feelings didn't stick around for too long but this one lingered like a dark cloud all day. Lily had barely acknowledged her existence. Even if the whole crush thing didn't complicate things they were still meant to be friends.

Usually she'd sing her way out of it or remember happy things to jolt her out of negativity but nothing worked today. All she wanted to do was lean gloomily on the balcony, chin resting on her hands as she observed the entire school from above. 

"I thought I'd find you here," After a decent fifteen minutes of people watching, she was gently interrupted by Remus.

She turned to face him over one shoulder, "You did? That's weird considering I've never been here before."

"Rudy spotted you. That's why I thought I'd find you here," His hands gently resting on the railing, he leant around to meet her eye, "Merlin's beard, you're more dramatic than Sirius."

"Nah, Sirius would probably have a tantrum and 'accidentally' set a bunch of things on fire," She replied, "The whole point of me being up here is I can just chill unnoticed until this feeling passes and then return all mellow again."

A moment passed before Remus decided to confront the Elephant in the room, "So, take it you're not feeling so great then?"

"Nah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?... Just remembered that you know about the whole... thing," A soft laugh escaped, "Alright, I'm feeling pretty horrible about it honestly." 

It all became too much as she grasped balls of hair in her hands, smacking her forehead down on the railings, "Love and feelings and stuff... it really sucks, doesn't it? I don't get why every book, tv show or song seems to go on about it. Even my man, Marvin Gaye can't stop banging on about it, I expected better. Well, you know what I think, Remus?"


"I think it's a whole massive ball of overrated nothingness," Exie straightened up purposefully, miming lobbing something over the edge, "See? That's what I think of feelings! Be gone!"

"Feel better?"

"I do feel butter, if you know what I mean ... it was a pun if you didn't realise... still got it..." Pun or not it was obviously untrue - even her nifty finger guns couldn't hide that. Of course, Remus knew. All it took was one slightly quizzical look for her to slump back down in despair again, "Dunno if you could tell but I lied. I don't feel better or butter. I feel like Margarine. Off brand Margarine."

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now