Chapter Thirty

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Madam Despa-three-toe

Had Exie ever been curious about what Mandrake had tasted like? Up until recently, no. But was she glad that she now knew the answer was bizarrely sweet and oddly lemony? Yes. It was an interesting fact that could come in handy for parties or impressing in-laws. Strangely, having a leaf in her mouth constantly wasn't nearly as bad as expected. It was quite soft and after the initial discomfort, she barely noticed it at all.

"Now, make sure nobody accidentally swallows it," Sirius instructed carefully.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" asked Peter after noticing how everyone's gaze had drifted to him automatically.

Sirius laughed, "I've seen you accidentally swallow a toy car before."

Looking down shyly, he mumbled, "I just wanted to see if it fitted in my mouth."

"Is it really visible, Remus?" Exie turned around from the mirror where she'd been experimenting with ways to conceal it under her tongue.

Grimacing, Remus nodded, "Sadly yes: it's quite big."

With a sigh, Exie admitted defeat and fell onto James's bed. It suddenly occurred to her that it was empty and realised the owner had been in the bathroom for quite some time now.

"Is James okay? He's been a while," Exie noted with concern.

"Probably crying because the green of the leaf doesn't go with the red acne on his cheeks," Sirius remarked before calling out, "OI, JAMES, IF YOU HEARD THAT, TRY NOT WORRY ABOUT IT! YOU LOOKED BAD BEFORE ANYWAY - "

The door slammed open to reveal a half-shaven James, his face all foamed up on one side with a razor tightly gripped in his fist, "What are you talking about, Sirius? Honestly, can a man not get a moment's peace around here?"

"Why are you shaving, James?" Remus asked, looking up quizzically from his book.

"I liked the beard!" A disappointed Peter sighed, "I thought it made you look rugged."

"Could hardly call that patchy attempt at stubble, a beard," Sirius sniggered, "If you ever want to see a real beard then just ask me."

"Thank you for your input both of you, especially Peter - that was touching. But, I do believe Remus asked me," James pointed out, "And it's all part of a plan."

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now