Chapter Twenty Eight

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The Miraculous James Impersonator

She wasn't looking for a fight but god damn it, Sirius was making it very hard today. His life at home wasn't great and she knew this was the cause of such moodiness but this was meant to a chill evening. Now she was just paranoid and very frustrated. 

It had been clear that Sirius suspected the truth about Lily, trying to pry it out of her for a while but this felt like condemning proof that she'd been an idiot for even trying to hide anything from him. It sucked feeling like the stupidest person in a game you'd never agreed to. What if he'd known the whole time and told James and for some reason they'd been playing a trick this whole time? Paranoia slowly turned to a strange melancholy, irritated that he was one step ahead of her, making her feel absolutely stupid.

Sitting alone became too much so she heaved herself off the sofa. Dragging her feet on the ground and refusing to meet his eye, Exie stood in the doorway to her kitchen.

"Sirius, I'm going to bed."

He looked up from the onions he was mid way through chopping. Although cooking in someone else's house was a bit strange, it did smell really good, with several pans already boiling away on the stove.

"But I'm making us Carbonara!"

"That sounds lovely but I'm just not hungry. Honestly, I all I want to do right now is sleep. I'm sorry."

She wasn't sure why she was apologising other than force of habit. Without bothering to wait for his response, Exie left to go brush her teeth and settle down for the night.

Whilst her mind was ready to sleep, her body wasn't prepared to be in bed this early. Her eyes were practically fixed open. After about ten minutes, she heard footsteps pad up the stairs slowly towards her room. She made sure to roll away as the door opened in the hopes Sirius wouldn't see her open eyes reflecting the light. Strangely, he said nothing, merely lying down on his own makeshift bed and being quiet too.

This was probably his plan but after what felt like forever, she had to ask, "Sirius, what are you doing?"

"Turns out I'm not hungry either."

"Please tell me you turned the hob off before you came up here."

A pause followed, "... yes."

Rolling over, she began, "Sirius..." before he cut her off.

"I did, don't worry."

More silence followed before she rolled onto her back, arms folded, "You know, don't you?"

"Know what?"

"Sirius, please just be honest - "

"No, genuinely know what. There are so many secrets I shouldn't know but have deduced. Like I'm pretty sure Peter was buying that yarn for himself not his grandmas even though he didn't tell me... see?"

[1] Exie Attia is one of the Boys ✓ | LILY EVANSWhere stories live. Discover now