The Royal Selection, PT 1

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"Indeed this is, why do you ask?" The man responded. You could see that he was on edge.

"I wish to take a look at the undeciphered versions of your holy books. I believe I can decipher them." You said. With the surprise on the man's face, it's a wonder he didn't have a heart attack. He rushed around the room, grabbing a few things. A blank book, a quill and ink, a copy of the story you had from Roswaal all those resets ago.

"Please sir, come right this way." He bid you walk into a side room. You complied, coming to a table, with two cushioned seats. He sat at the one furthest from the door.

"I won't ask how you can decipher this, the only important part is that you know." The man visibly quivered with excitement as you took a seat, grabbing the book in front of you.

"Please, start with the Stardust Crusaders. We have most of their story, we just need to know more." The man urged you. You nodded as you started reading aloud.

Everything the book had was slowly revealed. Stands, the tarot cards, the tale of Dio's fall, all of it. The only things you kept out were the names. It was a surprise for the man to learn that the figure they call 'The Fool' was a black and white dog, but he only embraced it, taking it all in. In about an hour and a half of dedicated reading, you reached the end of the story of the Stardust Crusaders. The old man closed his book, writing a title on it.

"I will have this copied right away! Can you read off the other three stories, of the Diamond, Golden, and Stone Crusaders?" The man asked. You only nodded, turning to the beginning of the Diamond Crusaders story.

The story passed, and the man finished off the book, followed by the books of the Golden and Stone Crusaders. Many surprises came to him during this time. The Golden Crusaders were eventually gang members that betrayed their boss, only to apparently send him on a never ending quest for "The Truth". The Stone Crusaders were criminals who were forced to defy the law in order to save the world from a threat the world didn't know existed. When the last book was written off and completed, the sun had well set, and the man was still as energetic as ever.

"With all this, the church will have days of new stories to tell, lesson to teach! Tell me, young man, what is your name?" The old man pleaded. You smiled, shaking your head as you stood.

"My name isn't important." You stated, getting up. Fall Out Boy pushed your chair in, to the man's surprise.

"Wait... are you..." you used Fall Out Boy to open the door, and closed it behind you, leaving the man a stuttering mess. To be honest, you didn't feel bad, as the man just had his holy books completely rewritten, completed. All you wanted the man to remember of this was that a Crusader had come and finished writing his holy books. With a smile, you left the church.

You walked into the place you and company were staying, only to be met with silence. It seems that everyone-

"Where were you all day, Y/n?" You froze at Emilia's question. You hadn't told anyone where you were going.

"I was just attending to some business I had from my last visit here." You explained. You heard a sigh and yawn.

"Please, go to bed. I need you well rested for the royal selection tomorrow. I can't have people saying I don't let my knight sleep." She spoke, prompting you to him in response.

"Mhm. You should get some rest as well. It would've been wiser to have Rem stay up and wait for me, y'know?" You said, causing Emilia to sigh.

"Just go to bed, please." She requested.

"Yeah, on my way to the bed." You responded.

In a minute, you were wrapped in a large blanket, letting sleep take you over.

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