Saying Goodbye

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(Y/N) P.O.V

As I set foot in the red room of the Justice Building, I was scared and pacing because here I was basically saying my last goodbyes to my family and friends.

I silently prayed that Cato and I both would come home and that this wouldn't be the last time I would see my mother and brother, because I don't want to leave them alone and I don't want to cause my mom more heartbreak at losing another family member.

I hear the door to the room opening while pacing and see my mother and brother walk in the room. My brother ran in and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I hugged him tightly and tried to calm him down as he was crying.

My mother joined in our hug and kissed my forehead, and she told me,

"I didn't think you or Jax would get picked; you and Cato have to win this game for us. You know how to survive and play their games, so don't worry (Y/N). I know you guys will win this and come home to us."

I nodded and asked her if they went to see Cato; she told me yes and that Clove and his father were in his room as the Peacekeepers let them in here.

My mom told me Clove was next to see me, and I told them I loved them and I would try to win. I also told my mother to take care of Jax and herself. She nods, and I bend down to Jax's level and hold him close to me. I tell him to take care of Mom for me and that he is the man of the house now.

He tells me,

"Please, Cato and you have to win; please come home both of you. I don't know what I would do without my big brother and sister."

I smile that Jax thinks of Cato as his big brother because, in the beginning, he hated Cato and thought he was taking his sister from him. But once he spent time with Cato, Jax accepted him as family.

I told him we would win and come home and not to worry about us. I gave him one final hug, and a peacekeeper came into the room to say time was up. He led them out of the room, and I yelled, I love you one last time, to the both of them before the door shut.

I sit down on one of the couches in the room, calming down slightly but still scared. I hear the door open once more, and in walks Clove and Cato's father, Cabel.

Clove walks over to the couch and hugs me tightly, and I sob lightly on her shoulder. Cabel sat down on the couch to the right of me, rubbing my back as I cried.

Clove was trying to calm me down by telling me Cato and I would be fine, that we would protect each other, and that we would win. I nodded, took a deep breath, and tried to stop crying. Then Cato's father said to me,

"My dear daughter, I know you and Cato will win this, and if I know my boy, he will protect you with his life. And I know you two will find some way to come home to all of us.
So, don't worry; just focus on winning and your training. I've seen what you can do with a knife and bow. So, I know you'll both make it."

I smile and try not to let tears fall again, as his father thought of me as his daughter. I hugged them both and told them I loved them, and then they got told time was up and escorted out of the room.

I was left alone again, so I gave myself a pep talk. About five minutes later, a peacekeeper tells me they are ready to escort my district partner and me to the train. I nod and walk out of the room, with them following behind me.

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