Chapter 40

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"The second brother, who was an arrogant man, decided that he wanted to humiliate Death still further, and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead"



If a part of him was hating that whole situation, another part of Tom loved that game. He knew he would win. He had the dagger, his prey was defenceless. It was just so easy.
He just had to catch his prey at his back and it was done.
The dagger almost felt like a living creature into his hand. Tom could feel its thirst for magic blood. And he could understand it. Just as he craved for power and knowledge.
He walked softly, silent like a cat, catching every single noise or movement in the air.
He almost caught his prey once.

The laughs stopped echoing. The sick man had realized what was going on.
Tom smirked, shaking in the anticipation of the crime he was about to do.
He could still remember clearly his first murders. When he saw Myrtle Warren collapsing after crossing his basilisk's eyes. When he used the Killing Curse on those disgusting muggles who abandoned him before he was even born.
Killing was such an intense pleasure that could become addicting. He remembered how much of self control he had to master to stop himself from killing again at school.
Now his whole body was waiting for that pleasure to be freed again, while his soul trembled for the upcoming tear.
His predator self startled as he saw some dim light and a dark figure giving his back to him.
Tom laughed mischievously inside. It was so easy. Just so easy.

He raised the dagger and approached the figure from behind, determined not to lose that precious occasion.
His prey was so desperate that was trying to summon some magic or a new curse from books.
Tom had to end it once and for all.
He fastened his pace and grabbed the hooded figure from behind, stabbing the chest with the dagger, forcing it deeper into the flesh, giving it the blood that it needed.
A female voice screamed and Tom felt his own heart falling with a thud.
He never felt so shocked. Because it was his mistake.
Evelyn rattled while he supported her.
"No" he whispered flabbergasted "I didn't... Stay with me. I'll save you. Please, stay with me".
Her eyes were fixed on his, she gaped in agony but was unable to say something on her death rattle.
Desperately Tom placed his hand on her chest and tried to heal her, then used magic to slow her dying.
He removed the dagger and her body winced, but no blood came from her wound thanks to his magic.
Tom watched her blood dripping from the dagger, then he felt a breeze on his skin that turned to its original color.

The curse was broken, but Tom wasn't satisfied. He would have never accepted such a big price.
Evelyn was lying senseless into his arms, her body getting cold fast.
He realized how much he needed her.
The echo of a laugh slapped him as a bucket of icy water on his furious face.
"What a pity. I hoped to get out from here with her" the crazy man said "Cheer, mate. You will live".
Tom grabbed the dagger again, the thirst for murder unbearable. He wanted to stab that bastard. And to stab him again and again until his fury cooled down.
But if he chased that bastard, he would lose Evelyn forever.
Tom quickly worked out his choices. Evelyn worthed much more than that idiot's life. Killing him out of spite wouldn't bring her back.
He gathered all his strength to stay still and let the crazy man go. He held Evelyn's body close to himself, hoping to keep her warm with his own warmth.
He heard the steps echoing around. The bastard was climbing some ladder in the nearby. So there were other passages to leave that place, Tom realized.
But what he wanted was to go back into the shop. And he needed to hurry.
Tom lifted her body up, feeling crushed by her weight because he felt exhausted. He gathered his magic to carry her out of that hell.
He never meant to leave that place alone. He never planned to survive without her. And now that she slipped out of his reach, he felt lost and it was unbearable.
The journey back to the shop seemes endless. He walked passed many priceless objects and books, but nothing was as priceless as the treasure he carried into his arms.

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