Naruto X Reader

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(This is very loosely based off a chapter in the naruto fanfiction I'm working on right now, tell me what you think)

You had just finished making your lunch and packing it perfectly in your bento box. You place the lid on and stop for a moment. Nodding with a small "hmp" noise you make your decision. You start on another lunch, making art work out of it before smiling to yourself and placing the lid on the second bento box.

You stack them on top of each other and wrap them. You grab the lunches and slip on your shoes as you run out the door. You stop at your grandmothers shop and grab two strawberry ramune (the soda with the glass ball in it).

You finally make it to school and walk in finding your seat as the lesson was about to begin. Iruka sensei starts explaining how to control our chakra and concentrate it into a clone. You space out as you look around the class searching for the familiar mop of messy yellow hair but seeing none.

Of course he isn't here, on the day you finally got the courage to bring him lunch. You slump down in your seat feeling defeated when the door bursts open interrupting Iruka sensei.

Naruto comes strutting in with a large sheepish grin on his face and scratching the back of his head. "Sorry I'm late Iruka Sensei, I overslept!"

"Naruto! You can't just come in late and disrupt the class like this! How many times do I have to tell you?" Iruka scolds the yellow haired boy.

He sulks to his seat and sinks down. Even when he's pouting he's adorable.

***lunch time***
You walk into the yard your (e/c) eyes scanning around for Naruto, you spot him kicking a pebble as he walks over to a tree and sits on the lone swing under it. He watches everyone eat and play with their friends, knowing they would just leave if he tried to play with them, or even talk to him. Everyone was so mean to him, with no reason behind it.

Gathering up your courage again you march over to him with pink cheeks and stop directly in front of him. He looks up at you in shock, and then deflates.

"What do you want?" He mumbles, probably expecting an insult.

"I,...well...I noticed you're always alone and I never see you eat at lunch time so I brought an extra bento box and an extra Ramune hoping you would want to eat lunch with me....I totally understand if you say no..." you ramble on as the blue eyed boy stares at you.

He stands from his swing and surprises you by wrapping his arms around you in a hug. "Thank you, (y/n). No ones ever been this nice to me."

You smile to yourself and you hug him back.
"Enough being emotional, let's eat!" You exclaim pulling out of the hug and holding up the food and sodas.

You and Naruto sat under the tree and ate your lunches together, laughing and talking for the whole hour you were granted lunch.

This went on for weeks and you and Naruto grew closer becoming best friends. The friendship only strengthened when you were both put on Kakashi's team along with Sasuke and Sakura.

You knew Naruto's feelings for Sakura and so you kept your own for him a secret.

Until one night after years and losing Sasuke to Orochimaru you were sitting out by river staring at the moon when the familiar yellow haired boy sat next to you. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for only a few short moments before you got up to leave, but Naruto grabbed your hand swiftly standing with you.

You turn around and look up at him, he had grown quite a bit since that first day at school when you two became friends. He use to be the same height as you but he surpassed you in high long ago.

"(Y/n) why have you been avoiding me? I cant stand it. I lose Sasuke and now're pulling away from me and I dont know what I did. Is it because you miss Sasuke? I promise I'll bring him home. Just stop pulling away." Naruto pleads with you.

You give out an almost malice laugh at his words.
"You think this is about Sasuke, Naruto? That's all you ever think about! Is Sasuke and Sakura but what about me? All I've ever thought about was you and I love you and all I get in return is forgotten and having to hear day in and day out how much you love Sakura. You think you cant stand this, I can't stand yo-" you were cut short from your angry hurtfilled rant by a pair of soft lips.

Your eyes widen but soon you melt into his arms and your eyes fall shut as you kiss back. It was like all the air had been knocked out of you and you could feel your heart beating as if it would pound right out of your chest. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours, your eyes staying closed as you stood there with your best friend, the cool breeze calming the atmosphere.

"(Y/n)" Narutos voice is soft but beckons you to open your eyes, and you do just to look right into his bright blue ones.

"I love you too." He whispers before pulling you into a tight hug.

It probably sucked but I hope to get better, any pointers would be great :) I hope it was at least a little enjoyable.

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