Naruto X Reader

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My headphones broke and my bf is mad because now he has to listen to GoGo on repeat with me lmaooooooo anyways heres an X reader then I'm gonna do a requested OC. I'll probably do more than just that. Also, I've had a couple people ask what I look like and was wondering if anyone else was curious to see? If so I'm more than willing to post one

"Naruto-senpai!" You call out to your best friend pulling his attention away from Sakura.

He was one year older than you, making him 16, and had been helping you train lately. He saw great potential in you and even went as far as to teach you the rasengan, which he sulked about when you picked up on it faster than he had and he refused to train or talk to you for 2 whole weeks when you were able to master the change in chakra form and nature on the third try mixing your fire jutsu with the rasengan. You couldn't help to fall for him more and more everyday and when he turned around to look at you a wide smile spread across his face.

"(y/n)-chan! Hey, I thought you were on a mission with Kakashi-sensei, Kiba and Shika?" He asks walking over.

"That was 3 days ago Naruto. We just got back." you laugh.

"Oh, was it? I must've jus not noticed." He says sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"When can we start training again? You have to teach me that new jutsu you came up with. Plus I can't waist one moment if I expect to help you bring Sasuke home." you tell him with a warm smile.

"Tomorrow, today lets get ramen. My treat!" He smiles as he grabs your hand pulling you toward Ichiraku's.

You guys sit down and Teuchi smiles as he notices you but continues cooking. Ayame walks over to the counter with a bright smile on her gorgeous face.

"Naruto, (y/n), havent seen you two in a couple days. The usual I presume?" She asks you.

"You know it!" Naruto smiles with a thumbs up.

"So, (y/n) I was thinking maybe I could talk Gramma Tsunade into into letting you come on the next mission with team Kakashi. I mean your a Jonin at only 15. You rank above me even." He says seriously but wears a bright smile the entire time he talks.

"Yet you're still a superior ninja to me Naruto. I have so much to learn from you." you say as Teuchi sets your Ramen down.

Naruto however makes no movements to eat as he sits and stares at you, you look over at him and blush as you lightly shove him. He chuckles and scratches his neck before he turns and breaks his chop sticks digging in to the bowl of ramen. You smile and do the same eating your own. the two of you sit in silence and eat your food and Naruto pays when you finish. It was still early in the day so you decided to just walk the shops and mess around.

You come to a stop at a small shop that has charms and jewels hanging all about and a beaded curtain at the entrance. Walking through, the beads making a small clinking noise as you do. Inside was dimly lit and had crystal balls and hex bags all over. An older lady with a shall wrapped around her face comes out from the back and takes one look at the both of you.

"You two want your fortune read?" She asks in a smokey voice.

You start to say no when Naruto cuts you off.

"Ya sure!" He laughs as you follow her to the back.

Both of you sit down at a small round table covered in a black cloth with 3 candles in the center. You sit down opposite her and she pulls out a deck of tarot cards. Carefully she shuffles the cards as her piercing black eyes seem to stare into your and Narutos soul.

"Uhm....(y/n)...why is she giving us crazy eyes." Naruto whispers not so quietly.

"Naruto! Tsh dont be rude!" you whisper back punching his arm.

She spreads the cards face down on the table in front of us.

"Each of you take a card lay it face down with out looking at it." She directs us.

We do as were told and each pic a card setting them in front of us face down and she pics her deck up again reshuffling and then holding the cards out to us.

"You both take the top card at the same time." She directs and we listen.

She quickly reshuffles and holds them out to Naruto now directing him to do the same as what we just did. Once hes done she spreads the cards on the table and tells me to run my hands across them and pull out the first card my fingers touch. I do as I'm told and pick the car setting it down. She flips the cards and looks them over making a "hmmm" sound as her eyebrows raise.

"You two should be honest with each other." She snickers.

"W-whats that supposed to mean?" Naruto blushes.

"You know I didn't need the cards to tell me you two are crazy about each other." She tells us.

"We should go." Naruto says grabbing my hand an pulling me out.

You throw some money on the table before hes able to drag you out, once on the street he lets go of your hand and crosses his arms. You walk in silence as the sun starts to set making the atmosphere a hazy orange pink color. He grumbles under his breath the scowl ever present on his cute features.

"What does she know about us anyways." He tisked.

You blush and look away from him as you think about the fact that you do have feelings for your best friend. You couldn't help falling for the older boy, he was just so damn cute. The way he pouted when he didn't get his way, the way his closed when he smiled, even the way he could eat 4 bowls of ramen in one sitting. You wanted to tell him but what if he rejected you? By the way he was acting you figured he would.

"Eh, (y/n)-chan?" He asks earning no response.

He waves his hand in front of your face snapping you out of your thoughts. "Eh, (y/n)-chan you're a space head today." He says looking forward again.

"Naruto-sama...." I stop and look down at my shoes.

He stops and turns back to me. "(y/n)? Whats wrong?"

"I do feel for you deeply. I just couldn't risk telling you because I was scared but she was right, I need to be honest because it'll make me feel better. Naruto I've slowly fallen in love with you over the past year." You admit.

He stares at you in shock for a moment before walking forward and lifting your chin to make your (e/c) eyes meet his blue ones. With no warning he crashes his lips onto yours and gives you a soft yet passionate kiss, catching you off guard and causing your eyes to widen. Soon your mind registers whats happening and your eyes flutter shut as you kiss back leaning into him.

"You didn't have to be scared to tell me, (y/n). Can't you see that I feel the same way. I love you more than I could ever imagine was possible." He confesses.

"Come on, I'm taking you to get mochi ice cream and wagashi." He grabs your hand and pulls you toward the shop.

You can't help the giggle that bubbles up in your throat and slips through your lips as you guys rush hand in hand. Oh Naruto and his stomach.

Naruto One-shots *REQUESTS OPEN*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang