Itachi X Reader: Birthday AU

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Hey guys it's ya girl back with another update. Today is my boyfriends birthday and he looks like Itachi tall, same hair length and color, same dark eyes and similar facial features just my bf has a beard and mustache. He also thoroughly enjoys poking my forehead the same way Itachi pokes Sasuke. Anywho the fact that its his birthday and he reminds me of Itachi gave me this idea. Also as far as couple pairings go in this Lee got the girl and is with Sakura because Lee deserves to be with the one he loves. You're Lady Tsunades child. Hope you all like, Imma stop talking now Byyyyeeeee.

"Sasuke, will you please help your boyfriend? All he's done is tear the streamers and the restof us are to busy with balloons and cake decoration and present wrapping. Plus, seeing as he's your boyfriend I think Naruto should be your responsibility." you tell your younger brother in law.

"I told you not to let him help." He snickers as he walks over and grabs the streamer rolls from Naruto.

You smile as you watch him unwrap the yellow haired boy who was pouting, and then kiss his forehead. The small gesture makes Naruto smile and jump up to help Sasuke by handing him bits of tape he uses to hang the streamers and signs. You go back to the kitchen where Ino and Sakura are blowing up balloons, Hinata is helping by decorating the cup cakes while you do the cake and Tenten and Lee are wrapping gifts.

"When is everyone supposed to be here anyways?" Ino asks clearly out of breath and tired of blowing up balloons.

"Well, Kisame, Deidera, Hidan, and Tobi took him out for golfing and said they would make sure to occupy him until everyone was here, the invites said to be here by 4. But we know Kakashi is alwasy at least 20 minutes late and my mom will probably show up drunk with Shizune. As for everyone else they rvsped and you said Sai would be here with the pizzas in the next 30 minutes right?" you list off.

She nods her head and she blows up another balloon and ties it tossing it somewhere in the room before grabbing another. You put the finishing touches on the cake and then put the cover on it. To say you went overboard for your husbands 24th birthday would be quite the true statement. But you couldn't help it you just loved him so much and wanted to make it a perfect day. You walk over the the stove and pull out the cookies, chocolate chip his favorites.


Finally it was time for the party. Everyone was here excluding Kakashi who you knew would be late. You scan the room seeing all of yours and Itachi's friends. You were all more like a big family. Naruto, Sasuke, Ino, Sai, Kiba, Shino, Chijo, Shikamaru,Sakura, Lee, Tenten, Neji, Gai, your mom Tsunade, Shizune, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Jeraiya, Hidan, Sasori, Kakuzu, Nagato, Zetsu and Konan. It was nearing 4:30 when you heard the doorbell ring, that definitely wasn't Itcahi, Deidera, Kisame and Nagato. You open the door and find Kakashi standing on the poor with a book in hand.

"You're always so late we should start telling you to be here ahead of time so maybe for once you'll show up on time." You joke with him as he gives you a sheepish smile and walks inside.

Where are those boys, it's almost 5 now and everyone is getting impatient to eat. You pull Your phone out to text them but as you do it lights up and dings with a text.

Kisame: We're 5 minutes away. Deidera and Tobi dragged us to go-carting after we finished golf.

You: I swear I'm going to beat them with a pinata stick when you get here. Itachi is an hour late to his own party.

Kisame: Ik Ik. but it couldn't be helped. You know how they get. We're here.

"They're here!" You shout to everyone.

You all quiet down and wait for them to walk in. The doorknob jiggles and then the door bursts open to reveal Itachi and his 3 friends.

"Surprise!" Everyone yells making Itachi jump and his eyes widen.

Deidera struts in with a smirk, Tobi close behind him, and grabs a party popper turning to Itachi and pulling the string causing ribbon and confetti to explode over Itachi as Kisame and Hidan come sauntering in.

"Art's an explosion!" Deidera yells running off into the crowd.

Your husband stares at you with a small smile playing on his lips as you walk over to him. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head in the crook of your neck.

"Thank you." Itachi says pulling back to look at you.

"I know. I'm the best wife ever." You smile and wink.

He leans down and gives you a sweet kiss before hugging you again. You pull away and grab his hand dragging him to mingle with your guys friends. You all ate and had a great time, you were happy that Itachi looked relaxed and like he was enjoying himself as you all sat around the bonfire in the back yard talking and laughing. You lean your head on Itachi's shoulder and can feel him shift causing you to look up only to find him staring at you already. He leans down and you meet him half way sharing a sweet kiss, his lips tasted like beer but you didn't mind as you were sure your own tasted of grape wine.

sorry it's so short.

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