Teen Obito/Tobi X OC: Requested

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For the sake of this one shot Rin isn't apart of team Minato, but is still in the story. They are also around 15 in the first part. Honestly Idk how Kakashi didnt figure out sooner who Tobi was. it's literally Obito minus one "o" and rearranged not very subtly either. IT WAS OBVIOUS! Rant over lol.

Me and Kakashi exchange an exasperated look as I roll my eyes and Minato chuckles lightly at the exchange happening in front of us. It was sickening watching their heavy petting sob session, gag. At least I knew Kakashi felt just as much dismay at this situation as I do, although for diferent reasons. Mine being that I was perpetually in love with Obito, or Tobi as I've always called him. Kakashi just thought it was disgusting. I turn away from the scene with a scowl and small "hmph" noise, pulling the attention of my sensei who I know is giving me an empathetic look of sympathy. I turn my head and glare at him causing a sheepish smile to form and him to scratch the back of his head as a bead of sweat falls down his head.

"Just make sure to come back safe okay?" Rin speaks as she stares up at her boyfriend.

"Don't I always. Remember I have the Sharingan now." Obito tells his worried girlfriend confidently.

"Obito, I love you." she says for the first time causing all of us to look on in shock.

Of course she would say that before an S rank mission. Why the hell wouldn't she. I noticeably deflate at her words as I look down at my feet and kick a small pebble around. I feel a hand snake into mine and give a reassuring squeeze causing me to avert my gaze to the left. I see Kakashi giving me a warm smile through his mask, his eyes closed as he does. He knew everything and at times had been my only comfort. Kakashi was most definitely my best friend in the entire world, we could read each other so well it was to a point where others thought we were telepathic with one another. From the moment we were placed on the same team it was like our bodies moved in sync with each other during battle. no words had to be muttered for us to know the others next move. I could tell weather he was going to move right, left, up, or down with mere quiver of his eyebrow and he could tell my next moves before I even decided them myself. He was my brother by choice.

"I love you too, Rin. I promise I will come back to you." He tells her.

"Yuki, I love you!" Kakashi mocks them loudly causing a smirk to form on my lips.

Minato turns to us with a haunting look that we ignore as we continue to make fun of the two 'love birds'.

"Oh Kakashi, I love you too! PRomise me you'll come back safe!" I say dramatically falling into him.

We start to laugh as Obito and Rin glare at us clearly unamused. Minato chuckles awkwardly letting out a small sigh at the end. Obito turns back to Rin saying one last goodbye with a kiss before following us out of the village.

"About time don't you think. Now we're behind. Relationships like that are just a distraction for Jonin like us." Kakashi tsks at Obito as I nod in agreement.

"Don't forget sickening to watch." I add in.

"How would you guys know?! You've never been in love!" Obito argues causing me to stop and turn around to face him.

I grab him by the collar and start to shake him around as I yell. "Chaaaaa! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ME?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE." My anger boils out, which rarely happens as I'm normally very forgiving and shy.

"Yuki!" Kakashi grabs me around the waist trying to pull me off the poor boy as I'm violently shaking him with the strength of Tsunade.

"WILL YOU THREE KNOCK IT OFF!" Minato yells at us. "You guys are bickering like you did when I first got assigned to this team. What is going on with the three of you?" he sighs.

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