Teen Kakashi X Reader

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*I'm just making shit up lol enjoy!*

"Minato, I feel a strange chakra coming closer." You tell your squade leader as you catch up to him.

You all were on the way back to the hidden leaf from a mission, your first A rank mission to be exact. Minato gives a small nod and a look as to say be ready before he speeds up. You look over at your boyfriend, Kakashi, who's just come up next to you and can tell hes giving you a reassuring smile under his mask. You give one back before looking back to Obito and Rin.

Obito gives you a thumbs up as to let you know he heard it all. You all continue on for a few moments before someone comes from the side in a blur. They nearly miss Minato as he spins around midair and throws 3 kunai knifes in the assailants direction. At this our squad breaks into separate directions.

The man, stops crouched on a tree branch. His head down as his purple hair rustles in the wind. Its deadly quiet as he stands, the red Sharingan of the Uchiha clan ablaze in his eyes as he smirks.

"No point in hiding. I can see you." He snickers.

You all come out of hiding but stand in defensive position, each of you on a different branch.

"What do you want." Minato demands.

"I'm only here for my dear nephew." The man speaks almost comically.

You can see Kakashi turn to look at Obito, who steps back a bit at the mans words, his tough expression melting to one of fear before turning to anger.

"We won't let you take Obito." You speak confidently, though you feel all but confident.

The man laughs before hes gone, in an instant he appears behind Obito, kunai to his throat before they both disappear. You all stand in shock watching the place your friend had just been standing and feeling the ominousness left in his absence.

"OBITO!" Rin and you scream out as they dissapear.

Kakashi's face holds contempt for himself as he falls to his knees. His best friend, gone. He stands up with a determination you had only seen in fights.

"Obito is my best friend, and we will get him back." Kakashi speaks.

"We need to go back, and report this first." Minato speaks pulling the attention of the group.

"What? No we have to go after them! They just left going now is our best chance at getting Obito back!" You start to argue.

"Enough!" Minato says before any of you can coninute. "All we would be doing is risking our own lifes and we dont even know how close they are, with that jutsu they could be hundreds of miles away already. We risk his life more by rushing in unprepared without proper back up." Minato speaks firmly.

"But-" you start but are quickly cut off.

"(Y/n)! He's right. All we would be doing is putting Obito in more danger and giving our lifes for nothing." Kakashi speaks barely giving you a glance over his shoulder before he's speeding off toward the village again.

Minato gives you a look of sympathy before following his students lead and speeding toward the village. Rin stops on your branch and lays a friendly hand on your shoulder. She doesnt offer a smile as she knows that wouldnt help any of you and shes feeling the weight of your missing teammate just as much.

You were sitting in Ichiraku Ramen staring at your still virtually full bowl of ramen when you feel a presence next to you. You didnt have to look to know who it was, he was all to familiar.

It had been a week since Obito was taken, a week and no one could find him or the assailant. A week since Kakashi last talked to you. And now he was next to you, not saying a word and not looking at you. Teuchi sets Kakashi's ramen in from of him and then looks between the two of you.

"I'm sure they'll find him soon, but you both should eat. You'll need your strength." Teuchi speaks pulling your attention.

Kakashi gives a warm smile as he looks down and pulls his mask off, within seconds hes finished. As always. You continue to push your noodles around with your chop sticks until a gentle hand grabs yours making you set the chopsticks down.

"Let's go for a walk." Kakashi speaks lightly as he intertwines his fingers with yours.

He sets down enough money for both of your bills as he leads you out of the ramen shop and onto the dimming streets of Konoha. The lights had just come on and people were making there stops in the shops on their way home for the night.

You and Kakashi hop from rooftop to rooftop until you reach the Hokage mountain. Sitting atop the mountain you stare out at the city, ignoring Kakashi's eyes boring into your head.

"This isn't much of a walk is it?" You ask lightly finally glancing at him.

He gives a light chuckle as he scratches the back of his head. "No I guess not."

"Well, what did you want to talk about. Must be something you havent spoken to me in a week. Not even during training." You say turning to him completely now.

"I know, I'm sorry. But we have now." Kakashi scoots closer as he puts his arm around your shoulder.

"We'll find him. We'll bring him home safe and everything will be okay again." You speak, trying to reassure yourself.

He gives you a light squeeze as you lean into him relaxing more. You both stare out at the city that was getting ready to rest and for the first time in a week you both felt a sliver of hope for your lost friend and small portion of peace. You crane your head slightly to look up at your boyfriend. His silver hair glistened in the moonlight as his his dark eyes seemed to sparkle, his mask had been pulled down since you two got to the mountain top revealing his handsome features further. He meets your (e/c) eyes and brushes a strand of (h/c) hair from your eyes. He leans in giving you a soft and sweet kiss that ends much sooner than you would like.

"I'm gonna keep you a lot closer from now on, (y/n). I can't risk losing you too." He says looking out a Konoha again.

Your eyes linger on him for a while as as the first genuine smile appears on your lips in the past week. You finally avert your eyes back to the city. You, Kakashi, and Obito had been best friends since you were 3, and you were beyond happy when Kakashi finally got the nerve to ask you out 7 months ago. You smile to yourself as you remember that day and how he had stuttered over his words until Obito finally shouted out for him "will you be his girlfriend!"

"I love you, (y/n)." Kakashi speaks quietly pulling your attention as your eyes snap back up to him.

Did those words really leave his mouth? You two hadn't said the L word yet and it left you feeling light and fuzzy like you were flying. His eyes meet yours again as a look of panic washes over him.

"It was to soon wasn't it? I knew I shouldnt have said anything yet I'm-"

"Kakashi shhh..." I coo cutting him off. "I love you too."

A look of relief floods his face as he kisses me again. We look out at the city again and there was one thing I knew for certain at that point.

Obito, we will find you and bring you home. Believe it.

I will be making a part 2 to this after I get a few more one shots done :)

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