Sasuke X OC

486 11 4

*my oc is pictured above for the chapter*

Without thinking my feet move me at full speed toward the light at the end of this long tunnel. As I emerge all I see is my two best friends, Naruto standing still and Sasuke with a samurai sword to Naruto's back. With mere milliseconds to spare my voice rings through the air.

"Sasuke, NO!" I scream, causing the 16 year old Uchiha to stop his movements.

He stands still, the few moments feeling like eternity as the wind blows by. Finally he lifts his head to meet my eyes. In an instant he's in front of me, I'm shoved into the stoned wall of the ruins of what use to be Orochimarus hideout. Sasuke leans in to me, his eyes never leaving mine as he wears a deathly calm look.

My breath hitches in my throat as his lips come close to my ear, his hot breath fanning over my neck and ear.

"You're a weakness." He speaks harshly his hand coming up and gripping my throat tightly, stopping any airflow as I feel my feet leave the ground. "I don't have time or need for you anymore."

My much smaller hands reach up to claw at Sasukes tight grip around my neck. My eyes are wide with terror as they stare into Sasukes dark ominous orbs.

"KAGOMI!" Naruto's voice breaks through the deafening silence.

My hearing starts to fade as I can now hear my blood slowly trying to pump, my vision blurs going in and out, and my hands drop limp at my sides. The last thing I see is Sasukes eyes widen. I feel his grip loosen and then his hand retracts. I fall to the ground, everything going black.

"Rasengan!" Is the last thing I hear.

~time skip~

I sit up quickly sucking in air and sputtering and coughing as I do. I feel a hand move to my back and rub soft circles.

"You're okay, just take it slow Kagomi." I hear my big brother coo.

I look around the room realizing I'm in the hospital back in the Hidden Leaf Village. My eyes move to my brother who is still next to me rubbing soft circles on my back.

"I'm fine, Kakashi. You don't have to coddle me." I shoo him off.

"Hmm. You should take a look in the mirror before making statements such as 'I'm fine' Kagomi." He chuckles offering me a small smile.

I let out a small sigh and look down. My hands move to my neck as I remember what happened and I flinch at the soreness. Kakashi turns away as I can tell hes trying to keep his cool seeing me like this. He practically raised me, our mother died the night I was born and our father died on a mission years ago. We were all each other had and I knew he had realized just how quickly Sasuke could've taken my life.

"W-what happened to Sasuke?" I ask my voice barely a whisper.

"Naruto, Sai, and Sakura have been waiting to see you. I'll go grab them." Kakashi averts, he kisses my forehead before pulling his mask back up and heading for the door.

"Kagomi! You're alright!" Naruto yells as he runs into the room, tackling me in a hug.

"Yeah..." I give a small smile.

"I am happy to see you made a quick recovery." Sai offers a warm smile.

I give him a warm smile back as my eyes fall to Sakura who's crying.

"I-I thought you were going to die. You barely had a pulse. Don't do that ever again." She says pushing Naruto away to hug me.

"I'm sorry." I tell my girl best friend as I hug her back.

"Did Kakashi Sensei tell you we finally brought Sasuke back." Naruto tells me with a big smile.

I jump out of bed but am quickly stopped by Kakashi. "No. You shouldn't see him like this."

"I'm not a little kid anymore Kashi!! Let me go!" I argue.

"Kagomi! Listen to me. Sasuke tried to kill you, hes still extremely unstable." Kakashi tries to reason.

"I think it would be good for both of them." Lady Tsunade speaks from the door, pulling all of our attention.

"Kakashi, Naruto, you two will accompany Kagomi." She says before turning and walking out.
I stand on the other side of the iron bars that seperate Sasuke from his freedom. Taking in all of the seals that were placed to keep him from going anywhere or using his Sharingan.

I step up to the bars and look into the dark cell. In an instant Sasuke is right in front of me, his eyes taking in my appearance. I hadn't done anything with myself aside from pulling my hair back into a ponytail. I definitely looked rough.

"What are you doing here. Didn't you learn your lesson before?" He snickers.

His words anger me as I lift my head high. "Sasuke Uchiha, you are someone who is precious to me, but I wont let you hurt anyone else who I hold dear to my heart. Not anymore. So I've decided I cant love you anymore. I thought my love for you made me stronger but it made me weak. It put not only my life in danger but also those I care about, Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, Lee, Tenten, Neji, Shika, Ino all of them. I wont risk anymore lives for you Sasuke." I let the tears fall freely as I speak.

He stays silent as he watches me break down in front of him. Naruto comes up and sets his hand on my shoulder as Sasuke starts to laugh. I hear a low growl from behind me. But before Naruto can go off I reach my hand into the cell grabbing hold of his collar. His eyes widen as I pull him forward, my sorrow gone and replaced by anger. He slams onto the bars as I start yelling at him.

"Cha! Who the hell do you think you are!! I'll kill you!" I yell at him as Kakashi and Naruto pull me back, but not before I punch him in the face sending him flying back into the wall of his cell.

"Despite what you said, and my trying to kill you. I do still love you." Sasuke speaks "why else would I try to kill you."

Tell me if you guys like it and want a part 2 or not 😅

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