Kiba X Reader

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You had been gone training with Naruto and Jiraiya, or Pervy Sage as Naruto called him, for the past 3 years. You walk through the gate and instinctively you and Naruto turn to each other and smirk. Giving a small nod you both are off, racing through the village, coming to a halt at Ichiraku Ramen Naruto stopping next to you only seconds late.

"(Y/n) how are you still faster than me." He sulks.

"Tsh, you don't discipline yourself when it comes to speed Naruto." You tell him matter of factly with a triumphant smile.

"Brother Naruto, you're back!" We hear from behind us. We turn around to be met with 3 kids around the age of 12.

"Konahomaru?" You ask in shock at how much he's grown.

"You know it! I'm a genin now!" He says wearing a bright smile.

"That's great!" You say back.

"You haven't grown that much, you're still a little squirt." Naruto says flicking him on the head.

"Oh, yeah? I've perfected the harem jutsu. Watch this!" Konahomaru says making the hand sign as Sakura walks up.

He changes into a pretty attractive woman before changing back.

"That jutsu is immature, I've grown up now and dont use such childish jutsu anymore." Naruto speaks earning a shocked looked from you and a smirk from pervy sage.

"My new pervy jutsu is way better!!" He yells getting ready to change when instead he gets punched by Sakura.

You take that as your que and decide to leave quickly before being noticed. You hop from rooftop to rooftop until you make it to the forest. Going through a little you finally find the lake. It had been so long since you had been here and it was still exactly the same. You stand and admire the beauty until you hear something running for you. You glance behind yourself and see a white blur coming at you. Without even thinking about it you jump just as the figure was about to tackle you doing a back flip and twisting in the air you land on your feet facing the thing that had come after you so suddenly.

It was a giant white dog, and it looked rather happy to see you as it ran at you again tongue out and tail wagging. Your tackled down and your face is licked by the giant dog causing you to giggle.

"Akamaru, who is that?" You hear a husky voice call out.

"Akamaru?! Holy shit when I left you were just a puppy sitting on Kibas head...Kiba?" You exclaim as you jump up and turn toward him.

"(Y-y/n) you're back?" He asks shocked as he stares at you.

"Are you gonna just stare at me or are you gonna give your best friend a hug?" You ask with a small smirk playing at your lips.

In a flash hes in front of you picking you up as he spins you around and falls to the ground with you.

"I missed you so much." He looks at you finally with that adorable smile of his.

He had grown so much, he was most definitely a few inches taller than you now and you could feel the defined muscles under his shirt as he hugged you his face was more mature and you couldnt deny he was handsome with the same boyish cuteness he had when you left. He had changed so much but still seemed the same.

You both stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, no words being exchanged.

"I missed you too." You finally breath out breaking the silence.

You guys finally sit up and another silence falls over you again. You pluck a small buttercup flower that was growing in the grass and twirl it between your fingers as Kiba watches you, a small smile on his face and he admires your beauty.

"God, your gorgeous." He blurts.

A pink blush raises to your cheeks as you stop your movements and Kiba realizes what hes just said. You cant fight the smile that rises to your lips as you keep your head down.

"I-I mean...I well...I didn't mean to say that out loud." He finally sighs in defeat.

"So you meant it, though?" You say finally looking up to meet his eyes again.

Now it was his turn to blush as he nodded his head slowly and avoided eye contact with you. The smile on your face grows wider as you fling yourself onto him again hugging him tightly and burying your face in his neck. Hes shocked at first and didnt hug back right away but soon his arms snaked around your waist again and he snuggled into you.

You pull back to soon for Kibas liking as you stare down at him a blush making it's way to your face again. You make your decision as soon as his eyes meet yours. You lean in and capture his lips in a soft sweet kiss, pulling away almost as quickly as you had leaned in. He stares at you in shock for a moment before his hands softly grab your face and he pulls you into another kiss, this one being much more needy, he kissed you softly yet passionately. He held your face as if you were made of porcelain, and kissed you as if you were the only form of oxygen he had access to. All the emotions you two had been holding back were conveyed in that kiss.

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