Naruto X OC: Requested AU

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requested by -shurikenreika
I'm soo sorry it took so long, I hope you like it OC and uniform pictured

I sit and stare out my bedroom window as I watch people walk around the busy streets of Konoha. I can hear the water running in the sink downstairs and I know its my mother doing the dishes. With a long sigh I get up and trudge to my dresser pulling out my school uniform.

To say I didn't want to go today was an understatement. Why are Monday's always the hardest to get through? They seem to drag on for centuries in a never ending day of misery.

"Hamako! Hurry up or you'll be late to school!" My mothers voice rings out.

With a deep eyeroll I begin to get dressed and brush out my silver hair. My eyes scan over my reflection and with a small 'hmph' I make my way down stairs. Hoping one step at a time causing the hard wood floors to creak under me and a loud thumpping sound to echo through the house as I landed on each step. Surely I was irritating my mother.

Once I walk into the kitchen I see my mom pulling a waffle out if the waffle maker. She garnishes it with blueberries and strawberries with a small spray of whipped cream.

"Hamako, must you make so much noise so early?" She asks setting the waffle on the counter for me.

I sit down on a stool and begin poking at my breakfast with a fork not answering her complaint. She huffs in annoyance as she turns to me with a deathly look. (Imagine Yamatos scary face😂)

"Are you still giving me the silent treatment because I wont get you a damned puppy?" She speaks with a cold yet stern voice showing her distaste.

I roll my eyes and get up grabbing my school bag. "I'm gonna be late." I murmure before walking out, much to her dismay.

"Ayah what am I going to do with that girl." I hear her as I close the door.

I begin my short walk over to my friend Ino's house and see her on the steps waiting already. She's looking at her phone with a scowl sketched onto her face.

"Ino." I speak boredly.

She looks up and smiles as she runs toward me. We begin walking in silence but I can feel her eyes burning a hole into my head.

"What's wrong?" I ask finally sparing my best friend a glance.

"Sasuke! He got a girlfriend!" She hisses. "And you'll never guess who it is!"

I raise an eyebrow, my interest peaked at this newfound news. Sasuke Uchiha? With a girlfriend??? This has never happened and we're juniors in high school. Hes always just used girls for hookups and nothing more. The fact that he had gotten himself a girlfriend was an utter shock.

"I'm stumped honestly. Since when does Sasuke date??" I inquire.

"Cha!!! I swear he's trying to make me jealous!" She yells pushing at the air.

You see Ino had been someone Sasuke was consecutively hooking up with for the past 6 months.

"And its SAKURA HORANO of all people he decided on billboard brow. I mean have you seen her forehead. How could he choose her over me? I mean we had a connection. He didn't even say anything to me he just posted it on stupid facebook." She rants as the school comes into view.

I stop walking and turn to her putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Ino. You are the most popular girl at Konoha high and you're by far the prettiest. You can do much better than Sasuke and he clearly has bad taste if he chose her over you. Now stop complaining and walk into that school like the badass bitch that you are. Dont let him know it even effected you." I give her a pep talk.

"You're right." She nods getting a determined smirk on her face.
"Hamako." A piece of paper bounces off my head for the fifth time as Sasukes best friend Naruto Uzumaki tries to get my attention.

I feel myself getting more and more annoyed as I glance at the clock. Only 15 more minutes. Hes been doing this the entire class hour. I've been trying to ignore him but I'm reaching my limits.

"Hamako." 'Bonk' another piece of crumbled paper.

"Hamako." 'Bonk'

"Ptssst. Hamako. Talk to me." 'Bonk'

"Hamako we should have lunch together." 'Bonk'

I clench my fists around the edge of my desk. Do I like Naruto? Yes, immensely. Is he an annoying twit sometimes? Yes. But he's never asked me to have lunch with him or been this persistent. If you're wondering why I ignore him it's because, for starters he's Sasukes best friend I can only assume he's like him. No matter how goofy an adorable I cant remember him ever having a girlfriend. And lastly he makes me nervous.

"Hamako." 'Bonk'

"WHAT?!" I whip around in my seat staring daggers at him.

My eyes soften when I see his surprised features. I deflate and hang my head as I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Something wrong, Hamako?" Kakashi Sensei asks in a cool tone.

I turn around with a forced smile as my eye twitches slightly. I nod my head slowly and force words out.

"Yes, Kakashi sensei."

"Hmm quiet down and finish your assignment." He then goes back to reading his book.

"Soooo, will you have lunch with me?" Naruto whispers leaning forward.

"No." I say sternly in a whisper.

"Why do you always avoid me and ignore me? Do I make you nervous? Are you scared?" He basically taunts.

"If you must know it's because you're annoying." I retort my cheeks flushing.

How did he know?

"You know, I know your lying." The words roll of his tongue almost seductively causing me to shudder.

Finally the bell rings for lunch saving me from this encounter. I quickly gather my things and run out of the classroom shoving through the packed hallways as I hear my name being called. I pass by Sasuke and Sakura in my rush and see that he looks bored, that is until he notices me. He wraps his arms around her and acts interested causing me to roll my eyes.

So that's what he's doing. Trying to make Ino jealous, test her feelings for him. What a boy. He could've just asked and she would have confessed. I reach my locker but before I can open it I'm turned around and pushed against it. I look up at the culprit with wide eyes and see bright blue ones staring back at me.

"N-Naruto...what are you-" before I can finish I feel a pair if soft lips against mine.

I'm in shock and it takes me a moment to finally kiss back. Why am I kissing back instead of pushing him off? He pulls away to soon for my liking and leaves my lips feeling cold and needy for his.

"Wanna be honest with me now?" He asks his hot breath fanning over my ear and neck causing my heart rate to pick up even more.

"What do you mean?" I play ignorant avoiding eye contact as I speak in a small voice.

"Oh, don't have to play stupid. Didn't that kiss tell you anything? Or do I need to try again?" He speaks quietly as his lips brush against mine.

"I like you...a lot..." I finally admit in a small voice.

"Was that so hard?" He smirks.

"Yes." I mutter.

He lifts my chin and captures my lips in another kiss.

"For the record, I like you too. Wanna go out after school?" He asks, his arms snaking around my waist.

Without hesitation I nod my head vigorously.


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