Gaara X OC: Requested

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Requested by @-shurikenyumi I hope you like it 🥰

I wake up to a grey sky and the smell of rain wafting in from my cracked window, my black wolf Tsubaki sleeping soundly beside me and keeping me warm. The weather mirrored my emotions perfectly as I flung my legs over the edge of the bed and trudge toward my bathroom. I start the shower and once the water warms up I slip in letting it envelope my body as I close my eyes.

That day, today years ago my family was murdered by rouge ninja. No one knows the motivation behind the attack and I dont think we ever will, though I search for answers everywhere. Not long after my families death I learned I was the Jinchuriki of the seven tails named Grimmwolf, I go through the motions everyday waiting for Naruto to come back from training. You could say he was my best friend, he's so far been the only one to help me come out my shell since my families death. But thats Naruto for you, he has this incredible ability to positively affect everyone he comes into contact with.

I cut the water and step out wrapping my robe around myself, I wipe the steam from the mirror and stare at my tired reflection. I wish this day didn't exist. I look away from my reflection and grab my brush combing through the tangles in my hair. I put on a black dress and tie my waist ribbon before slipping on my cloak and grabbing an umbrella. Tsubaki meeting me by the door, as I sit to put my shoes on he softly nudges me and gives my hand a light lick. I pet his head before standing up and throwing a rain coat over him as well. wet fur was not something I wanted to be smelling for the rest of the day. We walk down the empty streets of Konoha in the light rain as I kick a pebble along my path. I stop, turning into Yamanaka flowers and folding up my umbrella as I enter, Tsubaki hot on my heals. The bell chimes causing Ino to look up from her book and give me a soft smile. She had been the one in here the last few times I came to get flowers for my clans grave site. She already had a basket of Camellias ready for me. I got them every year. They represent longing for someone who is missed, it also symbolizes love, affection and admiration. I thank her and pay before exiting but not before noticing the look of pity strewn across her features.

Pity. I hate it. I don't need pity or people to feel sorry for me, I want revenge on the ninja who murdered my clan. i make my way to the grave site and stop in front of the hard blue stone with names scribed into it, a symbol of no returning forever remembered though. I let my fingers run across the names on the cold wet stone and then set the basket of flowers down. I make no movements to leave as I stand in the rain, umbrella open and staring at the stone. Tears form in my eyes and a few slip through but I quickly wipe them away with my sleeve. Tsubaki growls lowly from beside me turning to the trees catching my attention and causing me to turn.

"Who's there?" I call out my fingers wrapping tightly around the cool metal of my kunai.

When I get no answer but Tsubaki refuses to stop growling I step forward a bit.

"There's no point in hiding, Tsubaki already caught your sent." I speak firmly.

After that A small rustling is heard and the red haired Kazekage steps out, his blue eyes looking icy and his face emotionless. The fact that it was Gaara spying on me catches me off guard for a moment and I forget my manners. I snap out of it and blush deeply.

"Gomen Kazegae-sama." I say embarrassed as I bow to him.

I hear a light chuckle which causes me to look up and see Gaara with a small smile on his face that quickly is replaced again by the emotionless stare. We stand in silence for a moment as I glance back at the grave stone.

"Is this" He asks quietly motioning to the stone.

I swallow hard before looking at the stone again. "Yeah, they...they were murdered." I whisper.

"Ye, I remember hearing about the Kurono massacre." It's quiet for a long while before he speaks again. "I too know what it feels like to be alone. Then I met Naruto Uzimaki and he made me feel cared for. Like maybe I could be good, be recognized. Have people looking up to instead of scared of me."

"Naruto is good at that. He symbolizes hope for us. He's helped me in my times of darkness." I admit.

I normally wouldn't open up so fast to anyone but this wasn't just anyone. This was Gaara, the boy I had fallen for at the chunin exams almost 2 years ago. I knew he would understand, we may not have the same story but we know the same pain and we are the same. As I once heard Kakashi say, the Jinchuriki have been treated the same in every village. I can't help but stare at him as the memory comes back to me of our first interaction.

I had been paralyzed by a gen-jutsu and was unable to move, separated from my team I knew I was done for. As the kunai flew at me I closed my eyes ready to die and expecting to feel the sharp sting of 12 blades at any moment. But when I felt nothing I opened my eyes and looked up at Gaara who was standing in front of me with his back turned to me and saw the sand barrier around us crumble gracefully to expose the shocked ninja who had attacked me. To be honest I was shocked. Gaara was know as a cold ruthless murderer but he just saved my life.

"Are you alright?" He glances at me over his shoulder.

"You saved my life 2 years ago." I speak quietly.

"I remember that day." He looks at me now.

"I never did get to say thank you." I say earning the smallest hint of a smile from him.

"There was no need. I knew you were worth saving." He tells me in seriousness. "I know you have those who hold you precious to them, like Naruto and me. You'll do great things but revenge isn't one of them. Your family wouldn't want you to neglect living your life. The best way to honor them is to live become a Jonin and restore your clan. You have a brightness, a fire to you. Don't snuff it out by seeking revenge." Gaara stares straight ahead as he speaks to me, but I knew he meant every word of what he said.

"You know, you're very wise. You're a great Kazekage." I tell him.

"I still don't have the full trust or support of my people yet, but I plan to earn it and restore the Sand Village to honor." He looks at me now. "Would you like to go and get some lunch with me?"

His question caught me off guard but I quickly responded by nodding my head vigorously. He turned to me and stared at me with an expression I couldn't quite decipher. He takes a step forward standing in front me his hight towering over mine.

"Can I...Try something?" He speaks lowly.

I nod my head slowly as I stare back at him in wonder. He leans in at an antagonizing speed, his lips brushing lightly against mine sending chills through my body. Finally he lightly presses his soft lips to mine and captures me in a delicate kiss, almost as if he scared of hurting me. I instantly kiss back enjoying the sweetness of the moment but he pulls away all to quickly. My cheeks flush as I stare up at him and can't help the goofy smile on my face. The rain subsides and the sun starts to peak through clouds that were slowly diminishing.

"Do you still want to get some lunch?" He asks a small hint of hope in his voice.

"I would love that." I smile even wider as I lace my arm through his and we start on our way to town, Tsubaki following close behind us.

I had expected this day to be miserable like it had been every day since my clans murder, but Gaara ended up being my savior again and maybe, just maybe he would let me be his.

I hope it was good and that you enjoyed it

Naruto One-shots *REQUESTS OPEN*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin