Shikamaru X Reader: modern au

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Warning: mentions of pot smoking lmaooo he just seems like he would be a big stoner irl. Also a lil lime juice in this one for y'all, enjoy ;)

Shika and you were in his room with a half eaten pizza watching The Amazing Spider-Man. This was your Saturday night tradition, junk food, soda, movies, and weed. the two of you sat in the dark passing the joint back and forth lazily between yourselves. you were wearing one of his black shirts and a pair of pj shorts while he lounged about in a pair of dark sweatpants. You couldn't help but notice how great he looked in the dim light. A smirk forms on his lips as he blows the smoke out of his nose.

"I can feel your eyes on me, (y/n)" He peaks boredly but still with the cockiness of catching you stare.

You flush red and a scowl forms on your face.

"I was just staring at the fat fucking zit on your forehead!" You give attitude, making a false excuse.

"No you weren't because I don't have one." He waves off your outburst as you deflate into his king size bed.

The mound of blankets and pillows you two had on the bed made it seem like an unruly mess, but you guys had system. It was basically your little fortress and since it got so cold in his basement room you definitely needed all the blankets. You snuggle into a fuzzy throw blanket and grab a piece of pizza as Shika puts the joint out.

"Tsh, you eat more than Choji." He tisks.

You give him a deathly glare as your fist comes into contact with the back of his head. "Cha! Thats not how you talk to a girl!"

"I would hardly call you a girl." He snickers, knowing he's getting you worked up. He just couldn't help it though.

you drop your pizza back in the box and next thing Shika sees is a blur of blue before he's smacked in the face by a pillow. You don't let up after just that one though, you climb on top of him and continue to hit him with the pillow. He catches your arm and grabs the pillow throwing it to the end of the bed.

"Your cute when you're mad." he sits up, bringing his smirking face only a few inches away from your shocked one.

You can feel the heat rise to your cheeks not only at his words, but your compromising position. You were straddling his lap and his grip stayed loosely around one of your wrists. You two sit quietly staring into each others eyes, Shikamaru had long since lost the smirk that was playing on his lips and was replaced by a more serious look. His hand snakes up your arm and around the back of your neck as he pulls you in crashing his soft lips into yours hungrily. You're taken aback but quickly kiss back as his hands drop and grip onto your hips and yours find their way into his hair tugging at it lightly.

He bites your bottom lip softly before you feel his tongue slip into your mouth. The kiss was slow but heated and set every nerve in your body on fire. he swiftly and gracefully flipped you so you were under him and he was between your legs(wink wonk) You can feel his hand travel down and grip onto your thigh to pull you closer. His other hand traveled up your shirt as he trailed soft kisses down your jaw. He sloppily kissed across your neck leaving small marks, you were sure of it but had no desire to stop him.

You hear the door open and footsteps descending into the basement snapping you out of the heated makeout. You push him off you quickly and sit up completely flustered by what just happened.

"It smells like weed down here." You hear the voice of Choji.

"It always smells like weed down here." Kiba snickers.

"Would you two idiots shut up." That was definitely Ino.

They make it into the basement and Kiba being the annoying ass he is turns on the light blinding you.

"Kiba why are you so fucking annoying!" you shout.

"You two you're having a bit more fun than usual." He smirks at the two of you.

"What the hell are you talking about?" you say getting more and more annoyed at your friend.

"Uhm, (y/n)...." Ino points at her neck. "Might wanna look in the mirror." she giggles.

I scowl at the two as I grab my phone and and look in my camera. "Holy fucking shit!" you screech as you see the hickies littering your neck. there had to be at least 5 of them.

You felt your cheeks heat up in anger as you grab a pillow and swing with all your might at Shikamaru who's smirking from beside you. You hit him hard enough to knock him off the bed catching him off guard.

"How dare you seduce me and leave these HIDEOUS marks on my neck." You yell at him.

He sits up quickly and glares at you before smirking. "I wasn't hearing any complaints until they showed up."

You couldn't deny that which only fueled your rage further as you 'hmphed' into the blankets on his bed sulking to yourself as your friends laughed.

"We were wondering when this would happen. You guys have sexual tension so thick it would take a damn machete to slice through it." Choji speaks with a mouth full of pizza.

"When did you even grab that?" you ask furrowing your brows.

"When you two were bickering like an old married couple." He shrugs taking another bite.

"What do you guys want anyways?" Shika asks boredly as he lays down on the bed again.

"OH, Yeah. Gaara is throwing a party tonight. we told you guys yesterday at school. you agreed to be ready by 10 and its 9:45." Ino says annoyed.

"I didn't bring a party outfit with me." you say sheepishly.

"Well, it's a good thing you only live 2 houses down then huh?" She grabs your arm pulling you from the warmth of Shikas bed.

"Meet out front in 30 minutes." Ino tells the boys as she drags you out and to your house.

Your phone buzzes and you look at the text on the screen.

Shikimaruuuuuuu: We are finishing that later ;)

This sucked I'm sorry. More updates coming today though.

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