Chapter 6: Evaluation

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I couldn’t sleep that night. Void kept pacing around my room until I told him to go back to his photo and let me sleep. Not like I got much sleep anyway. I was too busy thinking. Void was right about one thing earlier; we could get revenge. I wasn’t sure how I would get it, but I would.
    I was really tired that morning. I hadn’t gotten any sleep that night.
“Bad night?”
Rin asked as I sleepily trudged over to him.
“Well, wake up some. Evaluation is today!”
“Wait, what!?”
“Sorry it’s so sudden. We’re not allowed to tell the hatchlings when they are.”
“That’s dumb.”
I said, annoyed.
“Well, I’m sure the Head Raven with be impressed with Void. Where is he?”
“Oh, he’s in his photo. I’ll let him out.”
I reached into my pocket, but couldn’t find the photo.
“Ah, shit! I left it in my room! Be right back!”
I yelled running back as fast as I could to my room.
“Alex, wait! You’re up in five minutes!”
Sprinting even faster after hearing that, I burst into my room and ran to the dresser. Grabbing the photo I ran out, slamming the door behind me. By the time I got back the person before me was just about done being evaluated.
“I *huff* got *huff* him.”
“Good job, I’ve never seen you run so fast. Also no swearing. Don’t think I didn’t notice.”
Rolling my eyes I stepped up to the Head Raven.
“No ghosts?”
He said in a stern and disappointed voice.
“No, I have a ghost sir. I’ll tell him to come out.”
Telling Void to come out of his picture, he slowly slid out and floated up next to me. I couldn’t see the Head Raven’s face(It was covered by a mask he was wearing), but his voice seemed impressed.
“A Vortex? Haven’t seen one of those in years. You didn’t help her catch it I hope, Rin?”
“Of course not sir. I was in a different room when I heard her scream. When I ran in she was standing there with her camera out.”
“Mmm. Good job hatchling. Next for evaluation please!”
Moving out of the line I felt slightly happy for what seemed like the first time in months. Rin came up next to me and said he had to go help with catching a group of poltergeists and that he was proud of me. With that, he rushed toward a group of other Ravens. Waving goodbye, I started walking toward my room to catch up on some sleep.

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