Chapter 16: My Fault

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I couldn't sleep that night. We had gotten to a different house and Alex almost immediately fell asleep. She’s been asleep for about a whole 2 days now. The whole way to the house she was pretending not to hurt but I could tell she was still in pain. I'm such a fucking idiot. This is all my fault. If I had just gone straight back to the house instead of taking that dumb detour… all I wanted was to ask her. What was I thinking? If I hadn’t stayed outside trying to think of how to tell her and just gone straight back, Ren or whatever his name is wouldn’t realize she was a ghost, and she wouldn’t be in pain. All I ever do is mess up. That’s how I died in the first place, messing up. I don’t remember a lot of my living life, but I can remember that. At least mostly. I needed to do something, and messed up. I wasn’t the only one killed either. I know they hurt and killed others, others that I knew. That’s all I can remember before waking up trapped in shadows. Alex mumbled in her sleep. I sat up. I wasn’t gonna fall asleep anytime soon so I may as well do something productive. Looking over at Alex I felt embarrassed. By the way she acted she clearly had no idea. I shouldn’t tell her yet. Maybe someday… maybe.
When I went outside I saw the moon had started rising. Good, less people will be out. I sat and waited inside of a shadow in an alleyway. After about 15 minutes of waiting a tall man passed by, a cigarette in hand. Quickly I jumped into his shadow. It didn’t take long before his walk became a trudge, and until he passed out completely. Coming out I dragged him into a nearby dilapidated house. Going back I finished killing him and left. His soul had tasted awful. I didn’t need to take souls but eh, why not. I went outside and saw that the moon by this point was almost fully risen. I should head back, Alex might wake up soon. 

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