Chapter 24: Departure

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    I woke up exhausted. The night before I had gone back and took the money from the two guys Void and I had just killed then rented a motel room. It was the first time I had slept in an actual bed since the past month or so. It was much nicer than sleeping in trees, which I had done the two nights before. I sat up and looked around; I hadn’t really examined the room the night before because I was way too tired. The room was a decent size, with a gray armchair and table in the left corner. To the right of the bed there was a large window with white curtains that matched the white carpet. There was a small hallway to the left of the bed which led to the bathroom, a closet, and the door to the hallway outside. I got up and decided to take a shower, something I hadn’t had in a while considering I had been dead for the past month. I felt a lot better afterwards; I forgot how nice showers felt. After I got dressed and dried my hair I left the room. I made my way out of the motel and onto the main street in front of the building. Void and I had agreed to meet up at the train station because for obvious reasons we didn’t want to share a room. I started walking towards the train station; I had gotten a map from the staff at the motel and figured out a route there the day before. It was a decently long walk so I woke up early to make sure I got there at least an hour before my train left. The streets were empty except for a few people here and there walking to work. After about an hour and a half I got to the train station. It was then I realized that I hadn’t planned a specific spot to meet Void. 
I turned around, blushing.
“Why? You’re cute when you’re-”
Void’s face went bright red.
“I-I mean it’s really funny when you freak out.”
Pretending it didn’t happen even though I knew my face was red as well I turned around and headed towards the ticket booth. I saw Void dash ahead of me in the early morning shadows. In the booth was a round man, with unkept greasy hair under a ball cap, and a scraggly gray beard smoking a cigarette. 
“Ticket please ma’am.”
He said with a bored and tired voice. I handed him the ticket.
“Alright your train ‘ll be here in an hour. Because of recent events all personal will be scanned several times by the Ravens for any signs of this damn poltergeist. Have a good ride.”
He opened the gate and I went through, then went into the first alley I saw.
He came out of a shadow to my left.
“I know, I know. With those scanners everywhere, even hiding in the shadows won’t do me any good.”
“Is there any other way to get past them?”
Void flinched.
“There’s one other way but…”
I knew what he was thinking. If that was the only way to get him past the Ravens well fuck it.
“Void, possess me.”
“What!? Alex, no! You know how many bad side effects that can have on someone!” 
“Void I know, but it’s the only way we can get through the security without every alarm going off.”
I heard people walking in the direction of the alleyway we were in.
“Void, listen, just do it.”
“But- Augh fine... But I have to... do one thing first.”
I rolled my eyes.
“What is- mmm!”
I was cut off by Void pressing his lips against mine. Before I could react or even process what had just happened he was gone and a cold feeling went through me. I covered my mouth with my hand. My face felt like it was on fire. After another minute of standing frozen my mind began to fully process what had just happened. Void. Kissed. Me. Just as this went through my head I heard a voice from behind me.
“Miss what are you doin’ back there?”
I put on a fake smile and turned around. It was two Ravens.
“Oh, there was a stray cat and I tried to give it some food.”
I pretended to look disappointed.
“I’m afraid it ran off…”  
“Well, stick with the crowds please. With all that's been happening,  you know?”
“Alright, thank you.”
“Actually, while we're here.”
He pulled out a scanner.
“Just gonna scan you real quick.”
I held my breath as he scanned me.
“Alright all clear you can get on your train now.”
“Thank you sir.”
I quickly walked away and found my train. I got on and found a secluded seat all the way in the back. I soon as I sat down I buried my face in my hands. I think if anyone saw me they would be concerned for my health. I could feel that my face was bright red.
“Void, you fucking…”
I whispered to myself.
“I can still hear you, you know.”
I heard Void’s voice.
“Oh fuck, please don’t tell me you can read my thoughts.”
“No, I can’t, would that be a problem?”
“Yes, yes it would.”
I sighed and leaned back putting my arm over my face.
“At least warn me next time.”
“Sor- Wait, next time?”
I stared out the window and didn’t say anything. That’s when I saw Rin. He saw me too and waved. I waved back and the train started moving. I was going to send him letters, just like I promised.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“I love you too dumbass."
He didn’t say anything back. I shuffled in my seat. It was… uncomfortable having someone else inside of you. I at least felt safer knowing who it was. Reaching in my back pocket I pulled out the photo Rin had given me and smiled. For the first time in months, life was getting better. Hopefully where I’m going it’ll stay that way.
                         The End.

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