Chapter 11: Attack

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We had stayed in the woods all day. We planned how to get in and deal with the man quickly and get out of there. I hoped and prayed Rin wasn't one of the first responders.
“Think it's late enough to head out?”
Void said, looking at the moon which had risen overhead.
“Yeah, let's go.”
We made our way back through the woods. I was better at walking with my new legs, but it was still really uncomfortable. I looked over at Void, he was just floating.
“How come I can't do that?”
“Maybe demons just can't.”
“I guess. Might be because demons are more solid.”
Void shrugged. Once we got far enough the tall building loomed in front of us. We took a route that took us to the back of the building. A patrol ghost
drifted back and forth in front of the back doors.
“How are we gonna get past him?”
“Can ghosts kill other ghosts?”
“I mean yeah but-”
I didn't let him finish. I creeped closer to the edge of the woods. The patrol ghost had just turned it's back to me. Going as quickly and quietly as I could, I snuck up behind him. Raising up one of my legs, I closed my eyes and thrust it down. I didn't really feel like I hit anything, and I thought I had missed. But when I opened my eyes the patrol ghost was gone. Void came up behind me.
“Did I… kill him?”
“Yes, but trust me, you did him a favor. He can move on now instead of being trapped as a slave here.”
“Now the question is how we get you up there.” 
Void pointed to the third floor, which is where the older male Raven’s rooms were.
“Lucky, you can just fly.”
“Maybe... you can jump?”
“How can I jump that high?”
“Use your legs.”
“Huh… guess it’s worth a try. Let’s just hope he’s asleep cause this is gonna be an ungraceful entry.”
Readying myself, I pushed with all my might against the ground. It worked a lot better than I thought it would. Sliding through the wall I fell face first onto the floor. Void floated up and was outside trying to hold back hysterical laughter.
“She is beauty, she is grace.”
“I just fell on my fucking face.”
I said, sitting up. My face basically went through the floor so it didn’t hurt. It’s so weird being dead. Well, “dead”. Looking around I realized I was in what once had been the book creep’s room; he was the one who had killed Sarah. His friend was next door. Standing up I quietly went through the wall on the left. This room was perhaps the most messy room I have ever seen.
“This place is even worse than where you lived, and that’s saying something.”
The man stirred in his sleep. 
“We should probably be more quiet.”
I said to Void in a hushed whisper.
“No duh.”
Glaring at him I made my way through the mess of clothes and old food packages. Seeing the man sleeping there so peacefully like he never did anything wrong enraged me.
“Uh… Alex?”
Why did my voice sound… weird?
“Your eyes feeling okay?”
“Yeah why do you-?”
“Go look in the mirror.”
Heading to the bathroom confused, I looked in the mirror. My own reflection scared me. My eyes looked like black holes and it looked like I was crying tar.
“What the Fuck!?”
I tried to get it off but rubbing didn’t work.
“Read anything about that in your book?”
“Huh. Maybe it happens when you get really upset?”
“Well then. I am definitely going to try to get upset less often.”
“Anyway, you should probably deal with him before it gets too early.”
I went back towards the man’s bed. Then the angry part of me that made me a demon took over.
“Hey Bastard.”
“Alex, you’re gonna wake him up!”
The man rolled over rubbing his eyes.
He bolted up so fast he almost fell off his bed.
“Wow, you must have a bad memory. You don’t even remember the people whose lives you’ve ruined.”
“Alex he’s gonna wake up the others!”
I smashed one of my extra limbs into the wall next to his head.
“Alex calm down!” You’re gonna wake up the whole building!”
“Spirit he-!”
Before he could finish I started choking him with one of my… tentacles? Thingies? I was too mad to care. I picked him up and brought him towards me.
“Die, you son of a bitch.”
Then I stabbed him with one of the barbs that are on the ends of my other six extra appendages. He went limp and I knew he was dead. I heard distant footsteps running toward the door. I looked at Void. We both knew what to do. Still carrying the man’s limp body, I chucked it through the window. Then I ran towards it and jumped out. Just as I did I turned and saw the door burst open. Sarcastically saluting at them I fell onto the ground. Grabbing the dead body I ran as fast as I could through the woods. 
    We ran for who knows how long. Eventually we stopped to rest. Heaving, I dropped the man's corpse on the ground.
“Alex what were you thinking!? You could’ve gotten us killed!”
“I wasn’t thinking, okay! I don’t know what I was doing but it wasn’t thinking.”
“*Sigh*, well what the fuck was that back there anyway?”
“What do you mean?”
“You had like freaking tentacle tongues and you were basically crying tar everywhere.”
“That’s what that was… I saw a picture of a demon, and it had something like that. Must be a demon thing?”
“Well, that’ll be useful for intimidation.”
“Yeah, I guess so...”
“So, what are you planning on doing with that?”
Void gestured toward the corpse lying on the ground.
“Ah, well I have to start getting used to it sometime…”
“What do you mean?”
“You may not have to eat anything. But lucky old me, I still do.”
“Just eat some normal food.”
Sighing I looked down at the corpse.
“Wait, maybe you should start with something else?”
“What do mean?”
“Eat a squirrel or something.”
“Void you're a genius.”
I quickly picked up the corpse and threw as far away as possible.
“Good throw.”
Looking around I saw a squirrel sitting on a nearby tree branch. Going behind its point of view I started sneaking up behind it when it suddenly fell over dead. Void came out from the tree’s shadow.
“Guess that works.”
Picking it up I cringed. Cooked, I wouldn't mind eating it but it wasn't like we could start a fire.
   It wasn't as gross as I thought it would be. I still didn't enjoy it though. I think being a demon kinda numbs how gross it feels to eat somethings innards raw.
“How bad was it?”
“Not as bad as I thought it would be…?”
“Yeah, but you still have to get used to it. You’re going to have to be eating people next.”

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