Chapter 14: Information

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I spent the rest of the day figuring out how to find people who I could kill. I couldn't just patrol around the city every time. It took too much time, and success wasn't guaranteed. I needed a way to find specific people who deserved to die.
“Void, do you know any good sources?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don't know. Someone who knows who has done anything like murder and stuff.”
“Kind of... I don't know him personally but I've heard about him. He has sources inside the Nest.”
I sat up. This person sounded useful.
“How? Is he a Raven?”
“No, he's a ghost, but he has an inside source. Maybe even more than one. He apparently sells information to people dead or alive.”
“Sounds actually useful. Good job, you helped with something for once.”
I said sarcastically. Void gave me a look.
“Shut up.”
“Relax, I was kidding. Anyway, do you know where this person might be?”
“I think so.”
“Good. I want to talk to him tonight. Doubt I'm gonna last very long without starving again.”
“Yes ‘boss’.”
Rolling my eyes I laid down. Let's hope Void was right about this guy.
    We decided to head out once the moon had risen fully. Making sure no one saw us we made our way to where Void thought this dealer was. After about ten or 15 minutes Void stopped.
“He should be somewhere around here.”
Void said, glancing around.
“Well that's helpful. Could you be a little more specific?”
“Well my guess is that he’s probably in a more conservative area. Being found would really put a dent in his business.”
Jumping off the building we were on I started checking alleyways and any old buildings we came by. Eventually we found one alleyway that looked to thin for most anyone to fit through. Simply walking through the walls in the way it widened into a path. At the end was an old abandoned building. It was surrounded by the walls of newer buildings that had been built around it. My guess was that the city was too lazy to tear it down so they just built around it. I looked around at the overgrown yard.
“Seems like the kind of place a hiding dealer would be.”
Walking up the short path I went through the door. This building was even more rundown then the one we were staying in, and was devoid of any old furniture. Taking a few steps forward I looked around for any sign of the ghost we were looking for. I suddenly heard a loud yell from above me and I jumped out of the way. I whipped around and saw where I was just standing there was a scraggly old ghost. He appeared to be missing an eye and looked very ratty.
“Get out of me house!”
He yelled, jumping at me with a knife beside him. Before he got to me Void came up behind him and grabbed him with one arm and the knife with his other free hand.
“Calm down, we're here for information!”
He immediately stopped trying to stab me.
“Well why d’nt ya say that before!”
Getting out of Void's grip he dusted himself off.
“Sorry ‘bout that. Thought yer were some kids tryna mess up the place.”
“Not much to mess up really.”
He turned around and glared at me. Upon closer inspection he appeared to be a harmless wisp, but one that had learned to possess object. I gathered that from the knife floating next to him that he had previously been trying to stab me with.
“Anyway, what have ye come for.”
“I need information on some Ravens. He said you knew how to get it.” 
I said, gesturing toward Void.
“That's my specialty.”
He responded with a nasty grin.
“So what'r ya lookin’ fer exactly.”
“I need to know which Ravens have serious criminal records. Done things like murder and or rape.”
“Ah, that's not an easy job. What'll you pay me?”
Shit. We hadn't thought about that.
“One second.”
Gesturing Void over I asked him in a hushed whisper.
“What are we going to give him?”
“I don't know! You probably should've thought of this before we left.”
“Is there a way to not pay him?”
“We could try blackmail? Intimidation?”
“How are we gonna do that?”
“I dunno. Say you won't give away his location or you won't kill him or something.”
“Well, in case you haven’t noticed I'm not a very intimidating person.”
“Oh, do the eye thing. That's creepy as fuck.”
“I don't even know how I did that. How do you expect me to do it now?”
“Think of something that upsets you. Not now though, you gotta time it right.”
“Guess it's worth a try.”
“C'mon now we don't got all day.”
I turned back around to face the wisp.
“Look, we're not going to pay you.”
“Deals off then.”
“At least not with money.”
“Well what're ya gonna give me?”
“How about this, you give us your services and in turn we'll let you keep your life?”
I thought of Sarah and the people who killed her. I knew it worked because I could feel my eyes get colder.
“Pfft, sure. You're a poltergeist and a wisp, how frightening.”
“Oh, you underestimate us.”
I lunged at him and he tried to dodge but failed and I slammed him against the wall. Holding him with one hand against the wall I drew the other back and filled it with fire. I knew that other poltergeist would come in handy.
“Still think we're harmless?”
“The fuck are you!?”
“Oh, just a harmless poltergeist.”
I dropped him on the ground and turned around. Glancing back I said,
“I'll be back in 3 days.”
Then I went out the door with Void behind me. Once outside the alley I relaxed and Void spoke.
“You're a lot better at that then you give yourself credit for.”
“Yeah, I mean I would be pretty fucking freaked out.”
“Yeah, well let's hope he was.”
We went onto a building's roof and started heading back. About halfway there I heard something farther away.
“Do you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“Be quiet for a second.”
I listened harder.
“No please! Please stop!”
I knew what was happening without a second thought. Rushing toward the direction I heard the yells, I saw a young woman held against the wall by what seemed to be a woman in her late forties. Void came up behind me.
“Dang you're fast. What did you… oh.”
I didn't respond. I was going through my options. There was only one where I wouldn't be seen, but it would take too long. The woman had pulled out a knife and was demanding money. I decided to just go for it. Jumping on top of the attacker I yelled at the younger victim.
She ran past me and down the street. I picked up the woman by the head and slammed her against the wall next to me as hard as possible. She fell over dead.
“Ok then, killer.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“What are you going to do about the other one? Want me to get her?”
“No, leave her alone.”
“You do realize she'll tell someone about seeing you.”
“Yes, I know.”
“Ok then. Good moves there. You're a lot better at killing people than you know too.”
“Ummm… thanks?”
I turned over the corpse and looked in her pockets. Nothing. I turned back to Void.
“Could you, leave?”
“I prefer you didn't stare at me as I literally eat someone.”
“It won't disturb me, I promise.”
“How are you not bothered by any of this?”
“I'm not really bothered by this kinda stuff. I am the one who sucks out people's souls.”
“Either way, I don't want you watching me eat. Just head back. I'll catch up to you later.”
“Ok, fine.”
“Thank you.”
Void turned around and began heading in the direction towards the house. When I felt he was far enough away I started eating. I hadn't let it show but I had been starving for the whole day. It was easier this time. It was getting easier with every time I did it. I began to wonder what the Ravens would do once they found out a ghost was responsible for all these murders. Probably would be the only thing to motivate them to do anything. Either that or just the rumors and panic that's probably going around. I finished, stood up, and began to head back. Right as I got onto the roof of the building next to me I heard sirens. The police had arrived. I decided to wait and see what they did. Laying down on the roof I watched the cars park and police men jump out of them, who carefully head towards the alley. They pulled out their guns and whipped around the corner. The thinner, stockier man immediately turned around and threw up. The shorter more round man who had clearly been in the field longer just looked horrified.
“My god…”
He approached what was left of the body.
“What could have done this?”
The younger one continued to gag and avoided looking at the body again. I got bored and crawled back far enough so they wouldn't see me and stood up. The sun was starting to rise so I needed to head back. 

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