Chapter 13: News

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 I got back before the sun began to rise. Coming in through the back wall I saw Void sitting down staring into space. He hadn't seemed to notice me so I toppled over one of the dusty old lamps and it broke. Void snapped up, surprised.
“The fuck happened to you?”
“You look like you got in a fight with a bloody truck and lost.”
Looking down at my shirt I realized I did indeed look like I had just gotten run over by several cars.
“Ah. That.”
“Yes, that. How did you not even notice until now? What'd you do, kill someone?
“Yes, actually, I did.”
“Oh. What'd they taste like?”
“They tasted like the squirrel. Not sure if that's bad or good yet. Also why do you even care? You wanna eat someone?”
“Nah, just curious.”
Rolling my eyes I walked over and sat down.
“I'm so tirrreeeedd.”
“Oh sure, all you did was sleep and sit around.”
“I'll have you know sitting and thinking takes up a lot of energy.”
“Yeah, totally the equivalent of diving off a building and chucking someone into a wall after wandering about the city for like,an hour.”
“Wish I was there to see that. Wake me up next time.”
“I tried.”
“Well you didn't try hard enough.”
“Whatever. I'm going to take a nap.”
   “Hey, Alex. Alex wake up. ALEX!”
I sat straight up.
“Pppff Hahahaha!”
I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.
“Fuck. Look I was having a really weird dream ok?”
“What about!? Fucking casseroles?!”
Trying to subdue his laughter, Void pointed to the TV in front of u- WAIT A SECOND.
“When the fuck did we get a tv?”
Calming down from his laughing fit, Void caught his breath and spoke.
“Got it while you were asleep.”
“You stole a TV… while I slept.”
Before I could say anything else Void interrupted.
“Anyways, I'll tell you why I woke you up. Apparently, you're famous now.”
“What do you mean?”
“Have a look.”
Void stood up and plugged in the TV in one of the outlets that wasn't entirely rusted over. Surprisingly, it still worked and the TV turned on. Void started going through some news channels after he managed to correctly position the rods.
“Today, another Raven was found dead in our city. This is the most recent of  a series of attacks on several Raven members.”
“The Ravens refuse to give any information on the cases, though some has leaked out. The first two murders occurred right on Raven grounds. The first in their jail, and second right in their own building.”
“This most recent attack left only a mangled body and a gun for evidence. No footprints or fingerprints have been found.”
“The body was discovered in an alleyway in the suburbs. Not many details have been given, but we do know it was found mangled and missing most of its inner organs. The Ravens have yet to say if they have found any suspects for the murders.”
The TV went to static and Void smacked it trying to get it to work. After he realized it was pointless he walked back over to the outlet and unplugged it. He looked at me for a reaction. But, in truth, I wasn't surprised.
“No comments?”
“I mean, I didn't expect no one to find it.”
“You really don't care that basically everyone knows about it now?”
“Well as long as they don't find us, I'm ok with it.”
“What if the Ravens increase security in the city and catch you in the act?”
“Doubt the Ravens will do that. They couldn't give less of a shit about the public.”
“I can't agree or disagree with that ‘cause I never was one. I was only there for like, a month or two.”
“Well trust me they couldn’t care less about the city’s security. Now, I'm going to get this blood off m… oh never mind it’s gone.”
“You're pretty clueless when it comes to being a ghost, you know that?”
“Oh shut up I've been dead for like a week and a half this takes time to get used to.”

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