Chapter 9: Change

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It's been about three weeks since I got attacked. All my bruises are gone. I've mostly gotten over the trauma. I'm even more distant than I was before. I'm done with these so-called protectors. They've never helped me. Some of these people are here to protect everyone, others could care less about the small people. Those are the ones I'm going to make suffer. And I know how.
I'm not at all who I used to be. I used to be cheerful and energetic, but now... now all I want is to get payback. I don't even bother trying to act like my old self. I've put a wall between me and Rin. I feel bad, he's the only one who's been with me through it all but... it's better for him. It'll make it easier for him to recover later.
"C'mon, we're leaving."
I said to Void, my voice sounding harsh.
"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere, just come on."
Putting a note on the dresser by my bed, I left the room and quietly closed the door. It was almost midnight, much past curfew. Quietly but quickly I headed toward the main doors. Once outside I started getting nervous. Did I really want to do this? Yes. I had nothing else to lose. There was no point in turning back now. Turning a corner I approached a small building. This was where convicted Ravens were kept; it was just outside of the main building grounds. I'd been studying the layout of the building, and I knew how to get in.
"You go make the guards and other inmates pass out."
"You sure you wanna do this?"
With that, he slid under the door. After waiting a couple minutes he came back out.
"All set."
I entered the building. Sneaking under the few cameras they had, I entered the room where they kept the photos of the inmate's bond spirits. I grabbed two photos. One was of a Bolt (an energy-based poltergeist), and the other was of the poltergeist of the man who killed Sarah. I told the Bolt to come out.
"Turn off the cameras."
"Why should I listen to you?"
Void grabbed the Bolt, and the electricity crackling from it immediately began to fade.
"Ok, Ok!"
The Bolt shoved Void off and went out of the room, then the lights flickered. He came back and went into his photo. Putting it back, I saw a picture of a fire poltergeist. Grabbing it I left the room. It would be useful later.
I started down the hall. All of the inmates were asleep. All except one.
"C'mon why are y'all asleep? Wake up ya bastards!"
"They won't wake up for a while."
"What are you doin' here ya bitch?!"
I glared at him.
"Oh, I'm sure you know why I'm here."
"Hah, go ahead, kill me. You'll get in major trouble and you know that."
"I'm not worried about that."
"Hopefully they'll kill you like I killed yer bitch sister."
That set me off.
"Heh, tryin' to deny it are ya?!"
I was done. Taking out all three of the photos I ripped them all in half.
"Alex what are yo-"
He didn't need to be told twice. He flew down the hall and out the building. The other two came out looking confused. I really don't remember the rest. Just feeling really angry, lots of noise, some screaming, and a searing pain in my back, as if I was growing new bones out of it. I know I killed the bastard, but everything else was a blur. What I can remember is what I was afterwards. I'm not human anymore. Not like I care to much. I'm a demon now. It was my choice and I'm planning on living with it. I looked down. It felt weird not being totally solid. Looking up I pressed my hand against the wall. Or, tried to. My hand passed right through it. So this is what it's like to be dead. Well, technically dead. I hadn't died. My desire for vengeance and the other two spirits I had let out made me what I am. Then I felt something on my back. Looking behind me I realized I now had what the poltergeist did: spider legs sprouting from my back; I started to feel claustrophobic. I went quickly down the hall and through the doors. I had tried to open them, then remembered I couldn't, so I just walked through them. Although I could, it did take some effort. It felt like walking through steep snow.

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