~Chapter Fifty Four~

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I had just put Madison to bed when I walked into the kitchen finding everyone situated around the dining room table.

"Sit" Susan said motioning to the empty chair. I wrapped my large cardigan around my body as I sat down. Jake was seated in a chair with Max on his lap while Billy, Susan and I sat in our own chairs.

"Did you hear from the courts?" Susan asked Billy.

"No" Billy said confused.

"Your father is being released tomorrow" Susan said. My head fell into my hands. This is like the worse possible news Susan could tell us. "To make matters worse. I'm technically not divorced yet from him. He never signed the papers on his end. I'm going to have to take him to court"

"This is not what I wanted to hear" Billy said rubbing his temples.

"I fear for us all. He's not going to happy with an of us. Especially not you two" Susan pointing to Billy and I. My stomach flipped at the thought of Neil. I shot straight up out of the chair holding my mouth as I ran for the bathroom. Between the recent travel, being pregnant and this news my stomach was not happy with me.

I walked out a minute later giving a weak smile to everyone.

"I'm fine" I said sitting back down.

"I think your best bet is to file for a restraining order. It's the safest move" Susan explained. I looked at Billy who shook his head in agreeance with Susan. I look over to see Max to see her unhappy face. Her poor boyfriend Jake was confused by at the information he had just learned.

"We will file tomorrow" I said before standing up and heading upstairs. I wasn't in the mood to continue the conversation anymore. I instead began to get ready for bed.

As I washed my face I could sense that someone had entered the bathroom. I quickly rinsed and dried before acknowledging the presence.

"You okay?" Billy asked as he wrapped his arms around my stomach resting his chin on my shoulder. I looked at his face through the mirror.

"I'm okay, just sick from the news, traveling and the baby" I said flashing a quick smile. "I just need sleep"

I kissed his cheek before making my way into the bed. We both climbed snuggling up to one another watching some television to calm us down.

"You think a restraining really going to help?" I asked as my mind raced.

"It's best for taking legal action if he does come close" Billy said lowering the volume on the television. "Hey don't be nervous, he's not going to bother us. I'll make sure of it"

Billy turned the light off on the nightstand as we curled up into each other. Sleep quickly taking over my body.

A nightmare taking place of the dreams that usually filled my head.

Bright orange jumpsuits stood out to me. I was seated in the large common room of the prison. Expect I was all alone, Billy was nowhere to be found.

"Well,well,well if it isn't little Phoebe Miller. What did I tell you. He'd leave your ass one day" Neil said as he plopped down at the table. I looked around for assistance from a guard but there was none.

"What cat got your tongue?" He asked in a taunting manner. I stood frozen at the table. His fist pounding on the table causing me to jump.

"There's no one here to help. I can beat your ass like I use to beat Billy's" Neil hissed. I sprinted from the table pounding on the door.

"Open up" I yelled repeatedly.

I shot up from the bed grasping for air. Beads of sweat had formed on my forehead. I looked around to find myself in the comfort of Susan's home. I laid back down staring at the ceiling, waiting for Billy to wake up in the coming hours.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now