27: Torture

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27: Torture

Lena's Point of View

With a sinister smile pastered on my face, I circled Mariline, or should I start calling her Kyla? Pulling out my silver knife, I knelt down on her level, tracing the knife on her neck softly as I listen to her hissing, in satisfaction.

"Tell me the real reason why you want to take the locket?" I asked her calmly, but never taking the knife off of her neck.

"Like hell am I telling you." She spat, glaring at me as she tried to free her hands from the silver cuffs I locked around her wrists and ankle. 

"Fine." I stood up and with a flick of my fingers, one of her witches died.

"Wha- How?" 

"I am the moon goddess, or did you just forget that?" I tutted, facing her, "Obviously, you're a werewolf and tell me.. Why do you want that locket? How do you have my mom's powers?" 

"That locket.." She trailed off, before turning to me, "Wait. I'm not telling you!"  

"Fine." I brought up my right hand to kill one of her witches again. 

Right when I pointed a finger to one of her witches she screamed, "NO! WAIT! I'll, I'll tell you." 

I stayed put, but I turned my head to her, "You have five minutes before all of you die." 

"That locket.. It helps me get your mom's powers." 

"How? I mean it's just a locket." I cut her off. 

"Shut up and let me explain." She hissed, I flew a fireball right through a wih's heart and brought my hand down, "Why did you kill her?!" 

"Never speak to me like that." I spat, "Now, explain." I gave her a nod to continue.

She hesitated, "The pictures in there was your mother and the moon goddess." What? I thought it was grandma? "No, it wasn't you grandmother. The moon goddess is your hundred times great grandmother, and I believe you know that already, and the fact that she's also your mother's great grandmother she visited her and made a picture of them hanging out. The moon goddess put it in the locket and made some sort of magic that whoever have this locket will have Katelyn's power. I've had that locket when I was around twelve, it was abandoned in the woods and I thought that I should have it, ever since then I started to grow up with your mom's powers and last two weeks ago, it got lost. I thought maybe I misplaced it but then Chris told me you had it. Don't ask me how he had it, I didn't know, but I believed him because it was his role to befriend with you and especially to Violet. Anyway, when you were kidnapped I didn't know you'd be stupid enough to believe, but you did. So, I had the locket back and now you took it again, so fucking give back what's mine!" She snarled, trying to escape from the chains but only to hiss in pain.

"I'm not giving you shit. It was never yours to begin with anyway." 

"If Katelyn and Edward never found you, there wouldn't be any problem!" She screamed.

I ignored her once I realized something, "Wait.. Back when we were at the warehouse, I have the locket and you have your powers to fight me."

"Whenever I don't wear the locket, the power stays inside me for a month. After that, I'll be back to being a stupid normal wolf." 

Actually, I never knew who it was at the picture inside the locket, I surprised that words just came out of my mouth. 

"Give me my locket back!" 

"None of you are going to live." I suddenly said, turning my head to look at Conan, who shook his head as if telling me not to kill.

As much as I care about his opinion, the former moon goddess gave me orders and that's what I'll do. She's practically the second fate and she's already telling me that these witches and few wolves deserves to die.

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