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Aria's POV

I flipped through the pages of the book I was reading and sighed. Honestly, I don't know how I'm feeling about all of this.

The guilt is eating me up, I can't resist the urge to keep watching Shauna's funeral. I can't imagine what her family is feeling right now and it's all my fault.

The girls keep telling me it was self-defense and it was the right thing to do. But what would the police say if they eventually found out. They wouldn't believe me if I said if it was self-defense because if it was I wouldn't have kept it a secret for so long.

I know they will connect us to her death sooner or later. Especially with A watching our every move. A probably has some major evidence against me already.

I clicked replay once more, my eyes not able to tear away from the screen. I felt tears run down my cheeks but suddenly all my sadness was replaced with anger.

I threw my book across the room and slammed my laptop down. I just want to scream, I ran my hands through my hair. I can't do this anymore.

My thoughts were interrupted but the sound of violins. No, it can't be. "S-Shauna?" I shook my head, I'm an idiot, ghosts aren't real.

The sound seemed to be coming from outside. I looked out of my window and scanned the area until my eyes landed on a cassette tape right next to my window. I reached for it and picked it up, making sure to pause what was playing.

I looked on the back and saw a note, I breathed out and began to read.

'The deed is done but the guilt hangs on forever - A'


This was another filler chapter just to explain a bit about Aria's situation.

Thanks for reading.

Love ya.

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