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Skeppy got online and was just waiting for something interesting to happen. There was nothing to record but nonetheless he was recording in case something interesting happens. Then he got a dm from bbh

badboyhalo: wanna chat I'm bored

skeppy: sure hop on Minecraft?

badboyhalo: coolio

Bad and Skeppy kinda just talked about random stuff and played some bed and sky wars. Everything was normal until bbh said

"Why didn't u ever respond to me about my spare room? I mean we have a new roommate now but I made my other roommates wait awhile for ur answer."

Skeppy was silent. He never thought about it since the offer of moving in with bbh seemed like a off hand joke. Now bbh seemed kind of upset with Skeppy about it.

"I guess I never thought u meant it..." skeppy responded a little guiltily. He should've known bbh wouldn't joke about that. But it almost seemed kinda fast for their friendship.
They sat in awkward silence for a bit until a6d got in their team speak and practically screeched, "IM GOING TO THE LA FOR A MONTH WHOOP WHOOP!"

Then a6d realized he must have interrupted something when bbh and sleepy stayed quiet for a bit.
Skeppy tried to amp up his usual attitude and eventually said, "Can't wait! Maybe I can go to la for a bit so we can meet up again."
Skeppy had like their vidcon trip and all but he had left early. Therefore this new chance to hang out with baguette seemed fun.

"Bad, what do u think?" Skeppy asked.
"Idk I've been kinda busy recently. I'd love to meet up and all but it's expensive to go to la."
A6d was upset his friends weren't more excited for him. He could tell Skeppy wasn't totally into it and bbh seemed to be avoiding hanging out with them again. And what was that silence he had accidentally jumped into?

"Um I'll message u the details skeppy and text me if u can make it," a6d said and left the teamspeak.

It was back to awkward silence and bbh kinda didn't wanna break it. Of course he wanted to hangout with them but he also didn't. He liked them as they're 'good muffins' but they were also two people he met online and trolled him constantly. Sure him and skeppy had had some real conversations but skeppy also didn't seem to trust him enough to move in with him. What if -
Skeppy cut off his train of thought, all of a sudden saying, "I gtg my girlfriend's calling. Ttyl." and he got off Minecraft.

Vacation to LA! (skeppyxbadboyhalo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now