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Skeppy was tired and sad at the same time. He wanted to talk to bbh but not in this state. Ughhhhh why is life so complicated? It's not. You don't need to talk to him right now. You're just friends, he can party as much as he wants. Why don't you talk to your girlfriend more. I know that but I just worry sometimes. Hah worry

Oh frick! Skeppy realized he hadn't posted a video today cause he was so distracted. He trudged over to his pc and recoding equipment but noticed there was recent footage. It was when bbh and him had hung out and confronted him about the spare room. And a6d talking about LA. Oh my god, LA! Skeppy has totally blanked about it and he'd even talked to a6d that day. God he felt like a shitty friend that day.

(Next day)
"Bruh moment," laughed Skeppy as him and a6d trolled the people on his server. They'd talked out all the details and Skeppy asked his parents. They were gonna rent out an Airbnb for the month and stay together. Both of their families didn't mind.
"By the way, we have an announcement for you guys-"
"Skeppy and I are going to la for a month!" jumped in a6d.
They both laughed and finished up recording.

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"Um Skeppy?" Bbh said quietly. "Sorry about last night."
"Huh?" a6d asked.
Oh frick. Frick frick frick I didn't tell a6d what happened.
"Lol drunkboyhalo back from the dead!" Skeppy said uncomfortably.
"Wait what?" a6d was so confused.
"Bad, you're rambling. I don't think he can understand you," Skeppy interrupted. "Basically he got drunk and he called me and then I told him to go to bed."

A6d was uncomfortable. Skeppy and bbh has some sort of tension between them that was unbearable to watch and he almost wanted to not go to America anymore. It's no fun if you're friends are not really talking to each other.

"I'm... I'm gonna go now," muttered a6d.
"No wait!" But Skeppy was too late and a6d left again. Ughhhh why'd Skeppy have to be so awkward. Cause you keep seeming gay stupid. Shut up.

"Skeppy you good? I'm really sorry for being such a bad muffin last night and I'm sorry if I said anything super stupid. I promise it won't happen again," bbh said apologetically.
"It's fine, but now I feel bad for a6d. He must feel left out or something if we keep talking about stuff he doesn't know about and if we keep acting like this," Skeppy responded.
"I can try to make it up to him but idk how."
"Well we're renting a Airbnb for his la trip, if you can make it that'd be nice."

Oh my goodness, bbh had forgotten about that.
"I'll come. Ok? You think that's enough?"
"Yeah," said Skeppy kinda depressingly. His phone rang and guess who it was? His girlfriend. "So we'll cya bad."
"Cya Skeppy."

Vacation to LA! (skeppyxbadboyhalo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now