Introducing Him to Human Tech

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Oh Lord help this boy, actually the person introducing him to all this. This boy will either play a game of 100+ questions or get mad when he can't figure something out. Whether it's how to look up something on the interwebs, or it's how to pull up the calculator, he will explode. But eventually he gets the hang of things when Y/N starts to help more and more.

He may or may not have almost blown up her Nintendo Switch a few times and she may or may not have threatened to kill him with her 'magics'.

"How do you get this to work!? It's useless!"
"Wait Asch don't blow it up! Not my video games!"


Calm and patient. He is willing to learn quietly and not ask a million questions. He only asks questions about certain things like what apps are what and what magic value they have. May or may not have tried to go on YouTube once or twice. Pierce certainly has seen a few of Y/N's cat games. Let's say, Pierce is definitely a cat person if he wasn't already before he got addicted to her cat games

"What does this do?"
"That's one of my many cat app games."


A mix between Pierce and Asch. He is willing to sit down and listen, but one tiny mishap can set him off and almost destroy whatever electronic device Y/N may have with her at the time. Lief is definitely interested in what her magic tome can do. Of course Ava had to help with this one. If Lief was about to destroy something, Y/N or Ava would threaten to kill him with their magics. This would definitely get him to hand the device back to Y/N without a single mark, miraculously.

"What the hell?! This is so stupid!"
"Lief, I swear to God if you destroy that Ava and I will kill with our magics."


Who knew that someone could be so curious and confused and quickly learned about something at the same time? Apparently Rhys is way more curious than Y/N thought. He quickly caught on to what the devices can do. Rhys is fascinated at human technology and its capabilities. Initially, he was a little scared about what a laptop could do to him, but he soon learned the ins and outs of it the fastest of them all, not surprisingly. May or may not have tried to open a portal to Daemos a few times.

"Interesting. Can this make a portal back to Daemos?"
"I don't think it can-wait don't actually try it!"


Oh now this sweet little bean is actually deathly afraid of technology. Why? He may or may not have been captured in one of Ava's selfies and thought be was gonna either die or a bad omen was out upon him. Y/N tries to get him to use some sort of technology other than the TV, but fails miserably.

"Oh come on Noi! It's a Nintendo Switch! It doesn't even have a camera on it!"
"I don't care! If Ava can zap power out of me with her handheld magic tablet, so can you and yours!"

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