When They Hear You Sing

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Requested by: gh13457 the song above is what you sing and i have a problem- hope you can recall where it was featured ;))


Can't help but fall further in love with you than he already is. Soft boi coming through hol up- Can't help but act like a tsundere when you notice his presence. May demand what hex you casted on him.


Badum. Badum. Badum. His heart beats faster and can't help but smile at your singing. He will listen and hum a quiet tune while you sing. Since you're so into the song, you won't notice his presence right away.


Literally curious about your voice. How can it go from being a bland bossy tone to a beautiful and soft melodic tune? Either way, he isn't questioning it and gives a small smirk. Claps after you're done.


He's literally in a trance. He will catch you in the middle of the song and stop whatever he was doing to listen to you. It's enchanting and calming so he's definitely in love with your singing. And he's wondering what spell you put him under.


Tears up at the song. The song is so deep he can't help but feel a pang in his heart and when you're singing it, get ready for Niagra Falls cause somehow he sheds so many tears at you singing. Obviously he can't help but think a little bit of the spell you sang.


Being a geek, she recognized which game it came from. Will enjoy you sing and hum along with you. Of course she might join in on the last part, but only if she feels like it. Smiles at you singing.

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