How They Carry You

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another request from MeowMuffinG


Picks you up bridal style. It's the easiest for him and he can see your adorable flustered face as you try to bury it in your hands or his shoulder. He can't help but smile.


It's the same way he held Ava in the beginning, but he's pouring his love and affection for you. He has a more comforting grip on your waist and he just loves picking you up and resting is head next to yours.


Like a fucking potato sack. You're like nothing to him! He'll pick you up and along you over his shoulde like nothing. He can't help but laugh whenever you best up his back at an attempt to break free.


Like Asch, he picks you up bridal style and he sometimes let's you sit on his shoulders while he holds your hands for security measures. He loves your smile whenever you ride on his shoulders and your uncontainable laugh when he holds you in his arms. He falls even deeper in love with you.


This boyo is strong! He will pick you up anyway he feels like it. Over the shoulder, bridal, from your waist, even dangling you from his back while holding your feet! He just can't choose.


Let's be honest here; you would be the one to carry her. Since one, she's very lazy when she wants to be. Two, you're taller and stronger than her, so carrying her isn't a problem. Secretly, she loves it when you carry her without being a request.

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