What You Do On A Day Out

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You guys go around town and to the clothing store so Asch can pick out some new clothes that he may like. Most of the times he can only pick out a couple of shirts of pants because hey, you gotta help pay rent around the place.

"Why do I only have to pick a few items?"
"Because if you want a place to stay, I have to pay my part of the rent as well."


You guys go to the park district where it's nice and relaxing. Sure Pierce seeing so many "Spirits" there is a shocker to him, but honestly it's quite funny to see his reaction. After spending hours at the park, you guys go find a small café where Pierce tries coffee infused beverages. And he loves them.

"What's this drink called again?"
"That's a caramel macchiato."


It's a day full of walking around. Sounds boring? Well not when you're giving the blonde Daemos here a tour of the city. Although seeing the city could be boring since one does learn their way fast, but it's fun showing the small local charms of the place. And also surprisingly, Lief isn't making any scary glares go children or threatening gestures to other humans. Well, none that you know of.

"I swear I'm not doing anything bad!"


With him, it's an ice cream date essentially. Minus the date part. Not there yet. First off, it's straight to the ice cream truck to get some ice cream for the smart Daemos, then it's off to wherever. Occasionally you'll get hungry since the frozen creme doesn't last long and you'll take him to some local cafés or restaurants. It's a fun and chill day when with him. And occasionally the discovery of something interesting to him.

"Ooh! What's this? It looks so colourful!"
"That's pottery. Now don't break it or you'll suffer punishment from us humans."


With this roll, it's most likely the movie theater. But before that, you'll go to the Dollar Tree for boxed candy to sneak into the theater. Although Noi tries to advise against it, you managed to convince him to do this. Mainly because you spend less on concessions and there's literally no security other than cameras at the theater. You both end up watching a kids movie because Noi doesn't like scary movies.

"Ooh, can we see Equestria Girls?"
"God I miss those movies."

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