How You Makeout

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Requested by: MeowMuffinG


Rough yet gentle? Gentle? You read that right! Because you are Asch's first love, he is going to treat you like the fucking queen you are and make sure you don't break under his care :))


Soft but passionate. Because he knows you don't care that he's a Daemos, he's going to make sure you know he cares about you a lot. He's going to be soft because of that, and maybe because he's afraid you'll cast a spell on him even though you've told him many times that he's not gonna be hexed.


Submissive? Yeah, since he's new to affection and its perks, he's a little submissive to you. How does it feel to have power over him?


C U R I O U S. He will explore everything. Because of the ever so curious nature, he will be more dominant. So beware of him...


Dominant and powerful. What happened to him? Privacy=confidence. Also his desire for you comes out when you guys are making out. Looks like us Phantom Thieves are gonna have to steal his HEART-


Listen, she's a total submissive. Just your touch alone makes her shiver so imagine what a heated kiss like this will do. She's putty that's been sitting in the hot sun all day.

who can point out the reference i made? if you can, can you tell me where it's from? ;))

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