Adding Ava!

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(because my gay ass said so!)

💜How you meet💜

Because Ava has two dads, the kids were relentless with the bullying in high school. Ava became a shut in. It was another day at the Academy and the blackette is the being beat up once more. Because nobody usually stands up for her, she didn't expect anything to change. But this time, it did. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Everyone turned their attention to the voice. It was the transfer student, Y/N.
"Y-Y/N! What are you doing here?" Jamal exclaimed, taken back.
"What am I doing here? What are you doing beating her up?!" They snapped. Jamal stood there in shock. This was something he didn't want Y/N seeing because he had a crush on them. "Answer me. What the hell are you doing beating her up?" This time, a deadly glint gleamed in their e/c eyes. The blackette just glared at Ava and ran off with his group. Y/N's gaze softened and looked at Ava. They offered her a hand and pulled her up.
"T-thanks. Nobody usually stands up for me like that. Especially to Jamal." She thanked.
"It's no problem! Let's get to class." They had a smile and Ava felt it. For the first time in a long time, she felt happy.

💜What you do on a day out💜

Since you're the one that provides for the apartment, you get to choose! If you have a good income for that pay period and have enough left over from the bills, you two would go to a few restaurants cause you guys love food and go shopping at your favourite stores. Barnes and Noble is a must cause books and video game merchandise AND the toy train section! Come on, I can't be the only one who remembers that!

💜You play piano💜

She was amazed. She never thought someone like you played piano. Although you did take piano in high school, but it was required and you dropped that class after freshman year. But you secretly took lessons after school and she never found out.

💜Her favourite things about you💜

-your understandingness
-your loyalty
-your kindness
-your hair (she LOVES to play with it when she gets the chance)

💜How she confesses💜

Very tsundere about it. Ava was nervous because you're the first person to willingly talk and put their reputation on the line just to stand up for her. Because you were the first person she accepted into her cold heart, she was deathly afraid to mess up the friendship you two had. But she did this on the day you two moved into the apartment. She was happy you felt the same back...

💜Where she likes to kiss you💜

Your cheek. She is still very new to a relationship so things take a while. But she likes to kiss you on the cheek mainly because the lips are a little too forward. Plus, that's being saved for another time.

So Ava, this is gonna be a little awkward because the MC is literally named Ava as well. so um. yes. have this.

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