Where He Likes to Kiss You

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requested by: gh13457 thanks for the request! also i take requests now as well :))


Being bold and straight forward, he likes to claim his dominance from others and kiss you either on the lips or the neck. If it ever comes to it, he'll give you a hickey in front of everyone with no shame. ;))


He loves to kiss your nose cause he loves your reaction to it. Your eyes cross and it's honestly adorable to him. Also the shoulder. He like to kiss your shoulder to get your attention.


The forehead. It shows affection and it's easier for him to bend down and kiss your forehead instead of hurting his back when kissing your lips. Though he is willing to o kiss you on the lips if you ask politely.


Your hand or your lips. The hands because although he's getting accustomed to human culture, he knows simple gentleman manners. Whether it's cuddling with him or just talking in general, he'll kids your hand and you can't help but blush a little. And if Rhys wants something, he'll kiss your lips.


Definitely your cheek. Noi is too shy to go for your lips so the cheek is the best way for him to show affection. He gets flustered a little after the first few times, but he gets over it and does it more often. Sometimes he'll be bold and go for the lips. But that's when Noi is older...

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