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When Mariah woke up she found that her head was on Janet's chest and her body on top of the singers. Their legs were entangled into each other's and Janet's arms were around Mariah's frame. She was entirely too comfortable and still too tired to question what was happening.

The dancer didn't move and was perfectly keen on just going back to sleep, so that's what she did. She shifted slightly on top of Janet whose grip got tighter around her before closing her eyes and going back to lala land.

It was three more hours before the duo even stirred and this time it was Janet who'd awaken. She noticed Mariah was still laying on her, the dancers head buried deeply into her neck and smiled softly. Carefully she picked her phone up and glanced at the bright screen in the dark room. Squinting, she turned the brightness down and saw it was running on 10 in the morning. She had slept later than usual.

Instead of moving the younger woman, she instead just got comfortable and began emailing people about her upcoming residence. Too much stuff wasn't perfect enough for the woman. After a while of doing that, Mariah stirred. Her head lifted slightly so she could see if Janet was awake or not. When she saw that she was, she mumbled softly. "Good morning."

Janet replied back. "Good morning."

Mariah noticed the woman was on her phone and it caused her to look for hers. Something was today. Today was the day she had to do something but she couldn't think about it. She looked around as she lifted up even more. "What's today, Janet?"

The singer watched as the younger girl got off of her carefully and went in search of something. "Um, June 2nd."

The dancer suddenly went into overdrive as she began to panic. She picked up her phone and asked herself softly. "Shit, what time is it?" Her eyes ran across her screen and she panicked even more as she looked at Janet whom had already figured the woman had else where to be. "I- Umm I have to go. I forgot that my brothers graduation is in a few hours. We have family pictures and then other stuff. I don't even have a present. I have to run. Sorry."

"No. No. Go ahead." Janet told her as she watched in amusement at how fast Mariah got up from the recliner. "I understand. Tell your brother I said congratulations."

Mariah stopped doing what she was doing as she got an idea. "Mind recording that?"

Janet chuckled as she shook her head. "Sure. What's his name?"

"Matthew." The younger woman smiled brightly as she grabbed her phone and opened her camera before recording a warm message for her brother and putting the camera on Janet.

She waved. "Congratulations on your success, Matthew. I wish you many more amazing step stones and success in life. Continue doing what you are doing. Much love. Mwah." Janet blew him a kiss on the camera and Mariah stopped the video right after.

"Okay yeah, this will have me set for at least 5 years. You're the best." The younger woman's arms flung around the singers and it caught her off guard but nonetheless she hugged back. "Thank you Janet."

"No need to thank me." She brushed it off as they released from the hug. "Practice tomorrow?"

"Sure. If I'm not on alcohol poisoning patrol with my siblings tonight."

"How about this, if you aren't on alcohol poisoning patrol, come back here tonight and we will watch a movie and go to practice late tomorrow. If you don't then you were obviously on alcohol patrol and need your rest so we will just not have practice tomorrow."

Mariah chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I'll be back. You'll be my excuse to get out of alcohol patrol."

Janet stood. "Well let me walk you out."

The duo walked to the front door and somehow found themselves tangled in another hug. This time it was longer, fuller... and Janet wasn't too keen on letting go so soon. Even though Mariah knew she was late, she wasn't complaining at all. The older woman made her feel safe for some odd reason she couldn't put her finger on yet.

Finally, they let go, much to both of their dismays. Mariah opened the door and walked out. "I'll be back tonight...." She stopped suddenly and mumbled. "Janet..."

"Yeah." Janet mumbled now that they both had remembered Mariah didn't drive. The singer grabbed her and pulled her back inside. "I'll take you, just let me freshen up."

Mariah hesitated. "Are you sure? I can Uber."

"No Mariah, I'll take you." The dancer nodded as she leaned on the wall and waited for Janet to finish freshening up. Janet went to move but stopped and turned to face Mariah. "Come with me."

She lifted from the wall at the woman's request as she followed her up the steps. They traveled to Janet's restroom and Mariah found herself situated on the side of the tub as she watched the woman before her. Janet didn't mind being watched, if she did she wouldn't be a performer but she couldn't help but be careful around Mariah. She was still learning the woman and she wanted to learn what her no go's were before doing anything else.

For moments, the duo sat in the restroom with mostly Janet moving around and Mariah sending 'Sorry I'm late' text messages to her mom and sister and receiving the backlash. When Janet was ready they headed out and Mariah instructed her towards her condo.

Once they pulled up outside, Mariah smiled at Janet. "Thanks for bringing me home."

"It's not a problem, I keep saying that and you keep forgetting." The singer teased her. "Wanna give me a tour?"

Mariah went to nod but hesitated. "I would, if I wasn't running late. How about we meet at my place tonight instead of yours? I can give you a tour then."

"I like the sound of that. Deal. I'll see you tonight Mariah." Janet smiled softly as Mariah got out of the car. The older woman didn't move but instead picked Mariah's phone up and held it towards the passenger door. Soon, Mariah turned around and opened the door.

"My bad." They chuckled as Janet shook her head at the woman. Mariah climbed back in and grabbed her phone before mumbling. She searched around as she questioned softly. "Okay, do I have everything?"

"I'm about to kiss you." Janet found herself blurting out and quickly regretted it.

Mariah was shocked to hear it and asked, "You are?"

That question wasn't meant for Janet to back off because that was the last thing Mariah found herself wanting. For some reason she was okay with this happening even though a little part of her was freaking the hell out.

'Fuck it.' Janet thought before she nodded and confirmed. "I am."

The dancer nodded softly as her eyes went to Janet's lips before mumbling. "Well... Go ahead."

A green light was all Janet needed to hear before her fingers went under the younger woman's chin. Their eyes locked before Janet leaned in and their lips met. It was short because Janet knew Mariah had to go somewhere. Still, the kiss sent a chill up both women's spines. Mariah hadn't ever felt this feeling before, not from any of her ex boyfriends.

'How was this woman so perfect?' Mariah's thoughts swarmed her head as she enjoyed the feeling, maybe a little too much.

When they pulled away, Mariah went to speak but her phone began ringing causing her to jump slightly. Her body began moving out the truck as she asked. "Tonight?"

"Tonight." Janet confirmed with a smile on her face.

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