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Music played loudly in the club and honestly Janet was ready to go but the only thing that kept her there was the fact that Mariah was having such a good time. In the months apart, it seemed the woman had come out of her shell and the singer loved that. So all she did was watch her from the VIP section.

Mariah laughed with her best friend at the bar. "You're right. Her ass is drunk."

They were discussing Kendra, who was stumbling everywhere in this club. Cierra shook her head. "Should we grab her ass?"

The dancer shook her head. "I'm not, it's Ashley's turn to take care of her." The bartender handed Mariah her drink and she smiled at the man. "Thank you."

Cierra nodded as they both watched Ashley grab Kendra. "Yeah you're right."

"Mhm. I know I am, now I'll be upstairs if you need me."

"Go ahead with your bad self." She motioned Mariah to go upstairs. "I'll be supporting from down here."

The dancer chuckled at her bestie before moving towards the VIP section sipping on her margarita. When she locked eyes with Janet, the singer smiled softly. Denzel stepped in front of her and it caused Mariah to stop walking.

He spoke over the music. "What's up little sis?!"

She smiled at him. "Hey. Oh I've been meaning to thank you for telling Jay to come and get us."

"Oh. It's no problem. That's what friends are for."

"Yeah that's true. I don't mean to be short but I was going to talk to Janet. Catch up later?"

Denzel nodded, his eyes trained on Mariah's best friend. "Uh yeah but look, before you go. The woman you were talking to at the bar, she single?"

Mariah's face furrowed before she too glanced over at Cierra who was in her phone at the moment. "Oh Cierra? Yeah. She's single but that's my best friend nigga, I don't play about her."

"I won't either." He replied smoothly. "Hurry up and introduce me so you can go talk to Janet. Please?"

Her eyes rolled before she nodded. "Yeah. Alright. Come on." They crossed the club and she called to her best friend to get her attention. "CieCie!"

Cierra looked up. "I thought you said you were heading upstairs?"

"I was. Until Denzel here wanted a introduction. Denzel, meet my best friend Cierra. Cierra, meet my brother Denzel. Yes, you're both single. Now there, flirt a little. Hit it off... or not. Either way, I'll be upstairs." Mariah hurried before once again heading towards the steps. The younger girl was on a mission.

Mariah's mission fell a bit short for a moment when Joey spoke to her as he let her through the ropes. "I've missed you. Try not to stay gone for so long next time."

"Awe Joey, I've missed you too. I won't be gone that long anymore.. hopefully." She replied before they hugged briefly and she finally found her way to Janet. Sitting next to her, she leaned closer so Janet could hear her. "You aren't bored up here by yourself?"

The singer shook her head and responded. "I knew you'd come and keep me company. What're you drinking?"

"A Stoplight Margarita." Janet's face furrowed and the dancer offered her the drink. "Try it before you knock it. You might actually like it because you're a clear liquor person and it's tequila."

Mariah had never thought she'd ever bring herself to drink but these last months, alcohol seemed to be the only thing that would calm her thoughts down some. She would limit herself to one drink though, making sure to never get sloppy drunk. 

The singer drunk some of the drink and it actually did taste good. "Okay, it isn't that bad."

"Mhm. I told you."

"When'd you start drinking though?"

Pausing, Mariah sighed, going unnoticed because of the music. She shrugged. "A couple months ago."

"Like six months ago?"

The dancer nodded in response before she felt Janet's arms lock around her waist. She pulled Mariah onto her lap. Mariah thanked God they were in a secluded area but unknown to her, Janet would have done it even if they weren't.

"Hm, okay. I saw you and Denzel were talking..."

"Yeah. He wanted to meet Cierra."

"I haven't even formally met Cierra."

"Oh he barely did his damn self. I do not play about my bestie, but he seemed genuinely interested and they're still talking. So it must be good." Mariah eyed the duo below them at the bar chatting.

She grinned as Janet kissed her neck and mumbled. "I leave in the morning, I'm going to miss you."

Mariah pulled back so she could see the older woman's face. "We went six whole months without talking. At least this time we can talk all the time."

"I'm still blocked ya know?"

The dancers eyes widened in realization before placing her drink on the table. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and unblocked Janet. Showing her when she was done, she finally replied. "Okay now we can talk all the time."

Janet giggled before nodding. "Yeah that's one way. I'm still going to miss you though."

"I'm going to miss you too." Mariah put her phone away and picked her drink back up. "Did you have any therapist in mind?"

Shaking her head, the older woman answered. "No not yet. I was thinking we could decide together."

"Of course." The dancer agreed with the singer quite quickly. She was very willing to put in her half to make this work. When she glanced at the woman whose lap she was on, she noticed Janet was just watching the crowd in silence. "You're bored."

"Huh?" The woman didn't catch what she had said.

"I said, you're bored. Let's go dance."

The singer shook her head and declined quickly. "Nu uh. I'm not going to that dance floor."

Mariah pouted. "Please?"

"I don't feel like being a headline right now."

"Okay fine, then let's go dance back at your hotel room." The younger woman suggested as she got up and held her hand out. "You're bored here so let's go."

Janet knew she couldn't deny the younger woman, so it wasn't a shock when she nodded and grabbed the dancers hand. Mariah led them to Joey who escorted them out of the club without much detection. Very quickly, they found themselves in the backseat of an SUV heading towards the singers hotel.

"Where are you all staying?"

Mariah answered softly. "For tonight, the Baltimore. Tomorrow we're hitting the road to another city and who knows what hotel."

"We're in the Baltimore as well."

"For real? Great. I'm spending the night with you."

"Oh that was a must anyways." The singer slyly added that in.

Mariah glanced at her with a small smirk before mumbling. "Yeah.. I know. That's why I didn't ask you."

The singer loved the confident less shy Mariah. She was a bit bummed she wasn't the one to bring it out but she knew that tonight she'd more than likely have to wait to get caught up on things. Maybe she and Mariah would talk... but she knew it would probably not be on the topic of herself but instead the relationship.

Was it bad that all she wanted to do was have sex tonight and worry about the rest later?

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