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Mariah had just finished the last set she was due to dance on and the adrenaline was still rushing. She had just finished performing her first tour. That feeling— that rush. She knew she'd never want to quit this. This was her dreams coming true.

Her phone rang in her dance bag and she grabbed it out. She smiled when she saw it was her sister. Answering, her sister was with her brother and mom. They yelled when Mariah's face popped onto the phone screen on their end. "Ahhhh!"

The dancers smile radiated towards her family. "Hi guys!"

"We're so proud of you." Madison expressed.

"Yeah big head, you did it. Now I can say my sister is the hottest thing trending besides Saweetie." Matthew went next.

"Cause I'm icy. Wifey. Haters wanna bite me." Melina sung confidently.

Mariah and her two siblings all burst into laughter at their mother. "Mommy. No."

Their mother made a face. "Well forget all of you then. That's not what the girl be saying?"

"No mommy, not at all." Mariah shook her head as she replied. A knock came from the door and Mariah spoke again. "Hold on guys." She muted the phone before going to open the door.

Janet stood on the other side holding flowers for Mariah. The singer hadn't left town and in fact had stayed for the concert. She smiled at the dancer. "Congratulations."

The younger woman hadn't expected this surprise and it could be seen in her face. She didn't know whether to be happy or still be standoffish. She smiled softly before taking the roses and speaking. "Thanks."

To say Janet was confused, was a true understatement. She thought they had made some progress on the bus but maybe she misread the situation. Maybe she was wrong. She watched as Mariah sat the flowers on her makeup stand and went to packing her things up. Janet walked over and began helping. "Maybe I could--."

Mariah snapped suddenly. "I don't!" She took a deep breath and pierced her lips before lowering her volume. "I don't need your help Janet. I'm fine. Thank you."

It wasn't Janet trying to help, Mariah knew that. It was the fact that she felt like Janet thought one conversation had smoothed all of their issues out. Which was far from the truth.

The older woman took a breath before grabbing Mariah's arm and pulling the woman's body towards her owns. When they were close together, she spoke. "One, watch your volume when you're talking to me. Two, watch how you're talking to me. I'm not one of your coworkers."

The dancer didn't expect Janet to get all bent out of shape by her outburst but it still didn't make her lay down and take it. "Same for you." She yanked her arm out of Janet's hold. "And let me go."

It was a power match happening between the two and neither felt the need to give up their stances. The stubbornness in both of them would hinder their relationship and though they both knew it— they just wouldn't say it out loud.

Once again, Janet grabbed the girls arm and pulled them back together. This time, she didn't speak but instead kissed her. Mariah went to protest but when she felt the singers lips collide with her owns, she melted instantly. A warm feeling engulfed her body as they made out. Janet's hand went her arm to around her waist and Mariah knew what was probably about to happen in this dressing room.

"So we just gone act like you not making out with Janet Jackson?!" A voice screamed out causing the couple to jump apart.

Mariah looked down at the table and realized that she'd forgotten to hang up the FaceTime with her family. Her mother looked mortified, her sister was wide eyes and her brother was cheesing.

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