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"What'd I say?"

Janet sighed. "Aisha... I'm sorry."

"Nope. That's not what I asked Janet Damita. What did I specifically say?"

"You told me not to hurt her."

"Exactly J!" The pregnant woman exclaimed as they sat in her home. Janet had come over to get Aisha's advice on how she should handle the situation. "You aren't even a month into pursuing my daughter and you're already seeing and feeling her bad side."

The singer mumbled. "I said I was sorry. I don't know what to do, she's ignoring my phone calls and texts. We were supposed to have practice today but she didn't show up. She's pissed and she earned the right to be pissed but I'm trying to fix it. I'm starting to feel like I can't fix it."

Aisha's hand went to her head. "Okay, it's okay. You can fix it. Mariah is just a hard person to get to that's all. It isn't gonna be easy but you can fix it. Apologize firstly, then just try to make it up to her. Weather it's taking her out or just staying in with her. She'll be sarcastic as hell, because her mouth gets smart when she's upset about stuff. Spend time with her and she'll forgive you because you're putting forth effort."

Janet nodded. "Okay, I can do that."

"Oh I know you can. Kerryton Jones... ou if I wasn't pregnant Janet. Out of all the people, why her?" The choreographer made sure to make her face of disgust. She couldn't stand that girl.

"I didn't know Mariah and the girl had issues. What happened with that?"

Aisha shook her head. "It's not my business to share, but don't expect them to ever make amends. Especially not Mariah. She's tried to beat that girl up every time she locks her eyes on her. Kumbaya is the last word that needs to be associated with those two. You need to pick, because Mariah isn't going to work with Kerryton ever."

"I don't want Kerryton to choreograph."

"So why'd you—." She stopped herself before smirking, knowing all too well what was truly the reasoning behind bringing in Kerryton. "What pissed you off? What did Mariah do?"

Janet sighed before explaining. "Denzel was all up on her at practice and she wasn't complaining. Plus they swapped numbers. In my face Aisha."

"Denzel who?"

"My dancer Denzel."

"Chisolm?" Aisha asked for further clarification.


She shook her head. "You know... I thought he was gay."

Janet squinted. "Denzel is straight."

"Well I know that now that I've met him but still, you're in for it. Forget about apologizing tomorrow, go apologize now because if you really showed out over Denzel and Mariah, you're in big trouble."

"You know something. Fill me in."

"I know that they're friends. Just friends. They met a couple years back at this dance clinic I think. Girl, go to Mariah because you being here wasting time is only making things worse. She won't want to talk, but make her talk. Irritate her if you have to. Just don't let silence fall too long. She's a good person, she just has a wall you'll need to get through."

Across the town, Mariah sat in her condo on her laptop watching Stranger Things. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she bore a sweater and some tights. A bag of Angie's Boom Chicka Pop sat besides her and occasionally the woman would eat some. She'd began to get tired and her eyes began fluttered shut but her phone ringing caused her to open them back. It was her sister and she answered immediately.

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